A surreal day...

Oct 24, 2005 21:49

This day was just too surreal for me. To start off, I just got me a bunch of Battlelore the other day, so I was driving around listening to "Sons of Riddermark" and thinking very odd things, and then I go into this one office... okay, I have to explain that the first thing you see when you enter this office is an empty desk, with a little bin for outgoing packages, and the other desks are behind a partition. Today, I went in, saw the package I was there for, and stopped dead in my tracks, gawking. A gal behind the partition stood up and said "Can I help you?" And I blubbed for a moment before saying "Oh I'm just here to pick that up but OMGyouhaveaGollum!" For real, there was an almost-lifesize plastic Gollum sitting on the floor by the desk!!! And the gal says "Yep." And I say "Why do you have a Gollum?" And she says "Because it's almost Halloween." And I say... "...Why is Gollum Halloween?!" And she says "Because he's scary!" And I stand there for a minute, still gawking, before saying "But... I thought he was burned up!" And she says "Oh, not here. Here we take care of him." And I blinked a few times, grabbed the package and left. It was hilarious. Worse yet, I got into the elevator and cracked up and wound up laughing until I screeched like a Nazgul (fortunately I was alone in the elevator), and then I cracked up once again when I got into my car, babbling to myself about Why Is Gollum Halloween? and the security guy saw me and said "You're having too much fun to be at work!" and I had to relate that whole conversation to him as well. I think they must all think I'm crazy by now. I console myself by thinking that if they had a plastic Gollum in their office, they must also have a Tolkienatic there as well, and are used to strangeness...

rl, weird rant

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