Just because I haven't got anything better to do, and because I love doing this, two more artworks!
Click! It's under the actors page.
I thought the old Stephen Dorff art I made sucked so badly, so I forced myself to make another one. It's not spectacular, but it's better than the last.
And dude, I made an Elijah Wood art. For those who know me, I'm not exactly part of the Elijah Wood fans. I don't even think he's hot. *ducks* But I love this one. Absolutely. I managed to him look bearable in my eyes. Ahahahaha.
Anyway, if anyone wants the wallpaper version, I have it. I have the Dorffy wallpaper ready for you, Irooooo. :D She's my Dorff handler. *nods*
I have the Lij one too, in case anyone wants that. I don't know anyone else who'd want Elijah Wood, but if ever...drop me a comment. :)