(Typed July 18th, which was last night for me)
I am totally PISSED OFF and annoyed at my so-called friend, which we shall call Jed. Remember the last time we made plans and had to cancel because of the heavy rains? Well, I texted him that night (Thursday night) and asked him if he was free the next day. No reply. I send a text message Sunday, asking him if he has seen POTC, and he has. @#&^#@&*(!!! He had seen it Friday with his boyfriend. Fuck that! I told him I texted him the night before to ask him if he was available and he was 'that day was my pre-employment exam for PGH (hospital) and Keith (his boyfriend) came to see me. It was unplanned, sorry.'
So! I ask him yesterday morning to accompany me today to the movies and he said sure. He was out of the house the entire day because he was meeting up with other people. Meanwhile, I teased Dan, our other friend, that Jed would be sleeping over tomorrow night after we go to the movies, which suddenly made him all "hmm! I think I wanna go with you guys!" Took the bait! Haha. I text Jed at around 5 to 6 PM asking him about when we'll meet and he didn't fucking reply! This was after he sent me a message inquiring about something concerning his other friend (which is my friend too, but we aren't really tight) and replying just after I sent an 'I don't know' reply. I call him on his cel and he isn't picking it up...SO PISSED. I get ahold of him via his home phone, and he said he ran out of credits (yeah, right). We set the time, the place...everything's good to go.
And then just this morning, like two hours before the time of our meeting, he sends a message that he's has a fever and can't make it out of the house. SO BLOODY FUCKING ANNOYED THERE ARE NO WORDS. !!!!! Um, I talked to him at 12 MN and he sounded fine. You know what? If I just knew he'd be blowing me off TWICE, I wouldn't have waited to see the movie with him or ANYBODY and just went and saw it on the first day by myself. Which I ended up doing today, and I don't mind! What's pissing me off more is that my birthday is coming up and these people just have NO DECENCY to make the time for us to see each other. I remember last year I went on a huge self-pity mode and cried the night of my 20th birthday because these people, these so-called friends sent me a text message of birthday greeting, like, an hour before the day ends. I don't know why I keep bothering. They are not getting any fucking dinner treat or whatever they were expecting on my birthday. I'll just take my dad's money and buy myself some clothes or books.
OMG, that was a long rant. I didn't want this to be a long entry too! Anyway, so while I was writing what became handwritten entry #02 and waiting for when I can get in the theatre, some Dairy Queen person approached me and asked if I mind doing a survey and taste testing something. More opportunity to kill time! So off I went, answering questions regarding the two similar-and-only-slightly-different ice cream in front of me (it was like cookies & cream, but with nuts), the prices for some hotdogs and mango juice and such like. Then when it was time, I head off to go in the theatre and settle myself comfortably.
Just when the most important trailer EVER came on (Spiderman 3; I've only seen it in my laptop, I wanted the big screen experience), three boys came by my seat and...in short, I was in the wrong row (one row behind my seat) and OMG, it was so embarassing. And I had been sitting there for around 10 minutes already! I was both embarassed and annoyed at my stupidity, because I missed half of the trailer. The rest of it I was too busy trying to forget the embarassment.
On to the movie! Non-spoiler comment...god, was it ever so bloody long. Not that it was bad, except it is bad when you have a really full bladder and you're literally in slight pain over it. And I went to the loo right before going in! I have my priorities though, so I sat there (thank god it was near the end), putting entertainment first instead of my physiologic need.
This is one of those kinds of movies wherein they can totally leave the romance and shipping alone and just give us the fun, the rum, and Captain Jack Sparrow. I do not care for the Will/Elizabeth, or one-sided Norrington/Elizabeth, or Will/Elizabeth/Norrington, and definitely not Jack/Elizabeth. Jack, for me, is the type wherein he never falls in love with anyone or makes out with anyone because of that fluttery feeling in the tummy. Jack charms, flirts, and as much as possible, avoids the making out parts because he is all about the sailing and the piracy and being awesome.
And there is nothing more I can say about Jack Sparrow (CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow) because we are all in agreement that he is the heart and soul and everything of this movie. I am not buying that expensive movie ticket for Will Turner or Commodore Norrington and most especially not for Elizabeth Swann. It is all for Jack, baby. All in agreement say 'aye!'
William Turner is Angst Central. Jack is all in danger of being eaten by cannibals or being under the service of Davy Jones in the afterlife, but somehow (and thankfully), Will has all the angst. Those stuff with his father...can't say I wasn't moved. It was just...sad, for some reason. He is willing to serve Davy Jones and having a starfish on his face for all eternity! I think it's just me being affected by anything father-related. Personal thing and all that.
Keira Knightley is not pretty at all and Elizabeth Swann was annoying. They should've hauled her overboard. She was all flashy with a sword because Jack taught her...uh, when? And how long was this? And really, I don't care because the moment she opens her mouth and talks and whines and all that, I am wishing for Elizabeth-free screentime.
No comment on Norrington. He had no effect on me whatsoever, although yes, he does look better with that torn...uh, uniform. What do they call those? Anyway. There weren't enough scenes of him playing pirate crew on the Black Pearl!
Nagini is keeping the connection so I cannot research on the cast, but I loved that woman living by a house on stilts over the river! And I just ZOMG'ed when I saw Barbossa in the end. I will still so see the next movie. I want to see how Jack Sparrow would announce his presence on screen that time. Heh. And Davy Jones is still all alive, along with his crew (and Bootstrap Bill) and there is still the matter of that heart...oh, Norrington, I want to see you all pirate-ified again, scrubbing floors and all that!
More random notes:
- That clip at the end of the credits was USELESS. Not funny, waste of time, and brought me more agony since I really really wanted to pee already, but again, I have screwed priorities.
- Must have the soundtrack!
- LOVELOVELOVE the swordfight scenes. Sure, they were probably pretty too long for others, but heck, I love them. I loved the three-way swordfight the most, along with the fighting in the ruins, and boy, they sure made a lot of use for rolling wheels and balls, didn't they?
- I'm glad to see the old crew! But WHY OH WHY was Annamaria (or however her name is spelled) not there?! I totally prefer her over Elizabeth.
Alright, so this is an already immensely long post about my day. If you read all of that, I LOVE YOU &hearts. XD My laptop is undergoing a series of shittyness at the moment, wherein it is really all my fault (I don't want to regale you further with my stupidity) but it's really fucking annoying that Limewire feels the need to open by itself despite me closing it every time, and now, even if I've already uninstalled it, it's still doing it except it's saying there's an error (yeah, because you're uninstalled!). I will be running Ad-Aware and Norton and I may even install AVG just to get rid of whatever this shit is.
(Typed just a few minutes before posting this copy-paste job)
I've installed AVG and it's running a scan now. I really, really hope it gets it because the only other option is to reformat that computer and I don't want that because it takes forever to re-install all of the programs I actually use. Bahhh.
ETA: Okay, if someone actually managed to read all of that...You are so much love and milk and cookies and shiny happy things. :D