Like I keep telling everyone, I used to watch ER years back, when George Clooney was still on it and Dr. Greene was chief resident. Then I stopped because the local channel stopped showing it and I couldn't remember what time it was on.
Recently, I got into House M.D., which is a spectacular show and caught my fangirl attention, as evidenced by my current layout. Robert Chase is the prettiest doctor I've ever seen, with a sexy accent to boot. Gregory House is smart and funny and witty but has the worst bedside manner among every living doctor that it's a wonder those patients are standing by getting insulted. Lisa Cuddy is wonderfully good at bickering with him, and James Wilson is...well, a foil for House. It's amusing, it's got a cute actor, so it's good for my boredom.
But like I keep complaining, it's not even realistic at all. I guess you really can't, since it is fiction and all, but still. Fellows do NOT run around getting the labs, I tell you.
And now I just finished season one of Grey's Anatomy, and if it has a bigger fanbase than House, I can definitely see why. THAT is how we live, us hospital people. Sure, I get a little defensive and miffed at how they think degradingly of nurses (I mean please, four years of medical school is NOTHING compared to experience. And I may be a fresh nursing graduate with no concrete hospital experience, but pardon me if I laugh at a senior intensivist resident ordering a half-patch nitroglycerin, GOOD LORD.) but that's how interns, residents, nurses and everyone in the medical live. We get accused of not having a life outside the hospital, any tiny mistake is unexcusable even if you haven't slept for hours and are tired as shit...these interns can actually steal a good hour or two of sleep, as long as they don't get caught by their attending. XD
But yeah.
mellafe was telling me via a comment how nothing ever happens in House except the cases, and she's right. I was only halfway through the first season and I could see the pattern forming. If they keep this up, I don't see how that show could stay on for long. I mean, hey, I like the show, I'm entertained by it, but no one likes repetition. At least I don't.
Bottom line is -- I'm amused at House, I think I may keep watching it if only for Chase (and see what happens to House after season 2's finale) but I think I'm liking Grey's better. XD So far, there is not one character I hate, unlike in House, where Cameron is just unbearable (how did she get so far in her medical career being so emotionally affected like that?) and Foreman is just well, Foreman. You have to at least get me attached to characters for me to go with the show for a longer ride.