I slept early the night before last; went to bed at around 12 MN, so of course, I woke up early. Way early (even for my standards) at 7 AM. =\ I think I was having sleep hunger from that lack of sleep three nights ago, when I slept at past 3 AM and woke up at 9 AM and I napped an hour long twice yesterday.
I was productive though, despite all those napping and a 3-hour internet break plus an hour-long chat with someone. I was able to finish reading six simulated reading tests for IELTS (three passages each, with 40 questions for the entire group of three passages) and I'm averaging on 8 to 8.5 out of a perfect band score of 10. Yay. At least reading's going to pull my overall average up. I did get a 7 on my last though, because I hadn't read the instructions carefully. Mehhh. Lesson learned.
I'll be doing writing today and I hope to finish at least 3 of the six writing tests, as I have some other stuff to do. There's no way to know what my score will be though, but at least I can practice getting those 250-word requirement essays on time.
Mars is AWESOME. Okay, so I've only seen two episodes and we know how some stuff start out good and the middle goes dry and boring, but I'm hoping. I've only ever seen Vic Zhou in his Meteor Garden roles and his quiet character there is a total opposite of this one so I snicker in amusement. And it looks like Barbie Xu can carry her role well, it's different from her Meteor Garden character too. Can't wait to see that psychotic guy (can't remember his name) who'll be after Vic's character; seems like he can bring in the antagonist goods. :D All in all, it looks like it's going to be one huge emotional ride. There's a palpable dark theme/feel to it, but it's never suffocating because Vic's character is quite the charmer. I'll have to get this on DVD!
And as everyone on my flist who's an HP fan have been exclaiming about, Gary Oldman is offically Sirius Black for OoTP! Yaaaayyy. I've just been ranting on one of
yuying_luo's entries that I would march in protest (okay, so maybe not march and just protest) if they recast. Glad I don't have to do that. Now please provide us a picture of Robbie Jarvis aka young James Potter, so we can all be happy.
I talk about myself too much, it's starting to annoy me. =\ I go to read Complicity, which has been updated, w00t! Go read and feedback if you're into snarky couples. :D
ADDENDUM: Have you guys seen
the latest cover of Vanity Fair with Keira Knightley and Scarlett Johansson? WHOA is all I can say. Apparently, Rachel McAdams was supposed to be in the shoot as well and has planned on doing so, but when she arrived on set, she was too uncomfortable and decided not to do it. Tom Ford seemed nice and okay about it and said that he didn't want anyone to be uncomfortable.