ooc || application for ilpromenade

Jun 23, 2011 23:31


✧ NAME: Lii
✧ LJ USERNAME: derptacular
✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): E-Mail | lii.lionheart@gmail.com // AIM | derpsexual // MSN | spongebob_898@hotmail.com // Plurk | tyrantrave
✧ CURRENT MUSE LIST: Emily Madsen, Sol Badguy, Date Masamune, Subaru Kirishima


✧ NAME: Kyle Rayner
✧ SERIES: Green Lantern [Comic-verse]

✧ TIMELINE: Post-Sinestro Corps War, issue #20 of Green Lantern Corps, just when he and Guy are moving to Oa.

✧ PERSONALITY: Kyle Rayner is a lot of things. At first, he was an immature twenty-something that was struggling to find his place in the world (and get a steady job). Things began to change in his personality when he was given the Power Ring. At first, he was very cocky, overconfident, willing to help people in need, and strong-willed, the latter two traits being some of the only things that counted to help him use the abilities that his ring gave him. However, he started taking his responsibilities in gaining the ring more seriously after a little while, and, unfortunately, after the tragic murder of his girlfriend, Alex.

But what comes foremost, though, Kyle is an artist, and that comes with a fertile imagination and a creative mind, which has saved his life on several occasions. He's been able to look at a serious situation and find the most out-of-the-box ways to make things work out in his favor (an example being when he made a construct of a train to run over Mongul when the villain was beating up Superman). He also deeply respects the other superheroes on his world, and was surprised to find out that he was asked to join the Justice League of America, where he worked with some of his childhood heroes.

With time, Kyle was able to figure out the limitations of his abilities, and through the support of the other members of the League, matured and became a better person for it. He still is something of a smartass, but he has mellowed out over the few years, becoming more of the “heart” between the four Green Lanterns of Earth (Hal being the fearless one, John being the logical one, and Guy being the hothead).

Now that isn't to say that Kyle hasn't gotten angry - quite the contrary. Before, he was ready and poised to kill Major Force (the supervillain that killed Alex) before being interrupted. That anger has been tempered over the years. He's not the type to go rushing into situations blindly; however, he cares deeply for his comrades and their welfare, and is one of the first to offer a helping hand or to rush to their aid. That being said, he's been known to lose his temper when he's confronted with the deaths of his fellow Corps members or when someone he cares about has gotten hurt in the process. Kyle is very much the type to wear his heart on his sleeve, and isn't afraid to stand up and speak out if he thinks something isn't right, another trait that seems to be shared by the Earth-GLC members.

✧ ABILITIES/POWERS: Kyle was given a Green Lantern Power Ring by one of the Guardians of the Universe, which allows him to manifest constructs using the power of his will. Kyle, due to his artistic nature, usually develops constructs that tend to fade into view, building upon itself like a sketch being constantly refined. He has been shown to utilize many creative ideas, including a giant bulldog that literally swallowed an enemy, magical girls to kick your ass, mechs (including knock-offs of Gundams and even the face of Gurren), and even the classic “running someone over with a train” gag. This has made him one of the most unpredictable Lanterns to ever join the Corps, and what makes him one of their most formidable fighters. Also, Kyle can communicate with the other members of the Corps and gain information from across the galaxy through the ring.

However, there are some limitations to this power. It takes intense concentration and willpower to bring these sorts of constructs to life, and even then, Kyle has to charge his ring about every twenty-four hours or so. He has a power battery to help with this task, and in order to do so, he must recite the Green Lantern oath while sticking his ring into the Battery:

“In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape our sight.
Let all who worship evil's might
beware our power - Green Lantern's light!”

As for the ring itself, it's keyed to Kyle's DNA, as well as that of his predecessor, Hal Jordan. However, if the situation arises and Kyle is killed, the ring will automatically try and seek out a new owner.

[Not gonna lie, but it'd be interesting to see who might qualify for the GL Corps if Kyle ended up dying while in Promenade (as temporary as it would be).]

Back on track, outside of Kyle and Hal, if Kyle gives someone permission, they can temporarily use the ring, granted they have the willpower to attempt anything with it.


✧ MASK DESIGN: It's his Lantern mask, actually -
- though it might end up compromising his original plans to try and stay incognito to figure out his bearings.

✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: The studio apartment he had back on Earth, which, among the various drawings and other art supplies, has the painting that his mother had made and ended up being one of the keys to freeing himself and Hal from Parallax during the Sinestro Corps War.


✧ FIRST PERSON: Not sure this is exactly where I was supposed to be heading, though I guess the complimentary smartphone is kinda nice. So, uh, before I forget, where exactly are we? Kinda was in the middle of a move before, wham, I'm sitting in a bedroom watching a magic mirror and wondering when the mask from Snow White is gonna pop out and ask me “Who's the fairest of them all?”

Any help in clarifying this would be great, 'cause like I said, in the middle of something - and I'm pretty sure my partner wouldn't be too happy to know I suddenly went missing in the middle of our move and all. I just hope he isn't trying to tear through everything looking for me...

✧ THIRD PERSON: “'City of Dreams', huh.”

It hadn't taken long after he had gained consciousness that Kyle found himself in his Lantern uniform, climbing higher and higher into the air. Even if it had such a title, he was pretty sure that the others, let alone the Guardians, wouldn't be too happy to hear that he had gone missing like this. Thinking on it, he could easily imagine Guy tearing up half the sector just trying to find him, especially after they had their talk about opening the new bar on Oa.

Seeing everything through the mirror when he first woke up was weird enough (and brought back bad memories, which is why there was currently a large blanket over the thing), let alone the fact that everyone he had talked to prior to donning his mask and uniform said that they were for all intents and purposes, stuck here without any way to get out.

As Guy would say, “Screw that.”

'Warning: atmospheric departure impossible at this time.'

Kyle's eyes widened behind his mask. He never remembered anything like this happening before. “Ring, mind telling me why I can't get out?”

'Unknown source is preventing departure. Cannot analyze details at this time.'

He stopped climbing, only to hover where he stopped, frowning. Even as high up as he was, he couldn't see an end to the city. “Impossible ...”

Looked like he'd have more investigating to do.


!application, !ooc

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