have you cracked open the cooking sherry?

Jun 11, 2008 00:01

Apparently I am: spontaneous, enthusiastic, idealistic, extroverted, theoretical, emotional, relaxed, friendly, optimistic, charming, helpful, independent, individualistic, creative, dynamic, lively, humorous, full of zest for life, imaginative, changeable, adaptable, loyal, sensitive, inspiring, sociable, communicative, erratic, curious, open, vulnerable

Anyhow. Last night was both amazing and horrific. Horrific due to the Great Bug Invasion of '08. It's almost as if all the bugs in the world waited until the moment my mother skipped out of town to take over my entire house. And if you know me, you know my bug phobia is irrational to the point where I've had to (and continue to) seek professional help. Fortunately, Brendan and Kevin were here to save me for the most of the night. But they left around midnight, leaving me alone with Jess, who is almost as bad with her bug phobia as I am. Around 2am, we took a food break from watching Waiting for Guffman, and found ourselves trapped in the kitchen for over an hour, sitting on counter and standing on chairs, when the most enormous fucking centipede of all lives made its presence known. It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life. So now I'm afraid to leave my room basically. And I don't think I will until Thursday, when annasedlak and I go to NYC to get our John Glover on. This fear is really way too crippling to be healthy. Fortunately, Jess and I still managed to have the best time ever.

Who's ready for a Lois Lane picspam? I know, I know, you don't care, but you should because IT'S LOIS LANE LOVE WEEK. Because this picspam is gonna be awesome, folks. Humor me. I think my icon pretty much says it all.

4x01: Crusade


Lois and Clark meet for the very first time! Except he's Kal-El. And naked.

Martha finds Lois and Clark at the hospital (she's there with Jonathan, who's in a coma) aaaaand thinks Lois is a total headcase.

Lois & Martha bond after Lois totally invades the house without warning.

Then Lois fucking kicks ass and takes names, using Martha's name to get her in to see Lionel in prison.

Lois and Clark start their super fun relationship of hating each other, at Chloe's fake!grave. And then Lois says the truest thing ever: "How can you be so weird with a mom that cool?" Oh, Lois, we have all asked ourselves that many a time, an answer has yet to be found. Lois then insinuates herself into living at the Kent farm.

4x02: Gone

See Lois flee a helicopter.

See Lois dig up a gravesite.

See Lois drop kick this bitch into the middle of next week. (Such a necessary face too)

See Lois invade the bathroom while Clark's in the shower. (Girl has no boundaries)

And see them get caught. (LMAO THIS PICTURE IS SO TRUE. What are you lookin' at, Annette O'Toole?)

See Lois and Clark get lectured.

And see them make ridiculous faces. I think this picture pretty much sums up their entire relationship, don't you?

And finally, see Lois and Clark rescue Chloe from the undead.

4x08: Spell

Lois, Lana, and Chloe become witches. Yeah, there's really no explanation for it that's good enough for me to give you.

It's pretty hilarious though.

4x13: Recruit

See Lois at Metropolis University, drinking every guy under the table. In her pajamas. Fuck yeah, Lois Lane.

Oops. Looks like Clark's not the only one who doesn't know his own strength. WTG, Lois.

And now Lois is pretty much on the run from the cops. Smooth. But it's okay because Lois moves back in with the Kents. Holla!

4x14: Krypto

Lois brings home SuperDog and the Kents are baffled. Except Martha apparently, I guess she's not exactly a light sleeper...?

SuperDog's enemy attacks Jonathan, but it's okay because...AWE THEY'RE LIKE A FAMILY. Is it weird that I can think of Lois as Clark's sister and pseudo-ship them at the same time? Probably.

Woooo. Yeah, SuperDog! He's even got his cape and whatnot. Clark: "I want to call him Krypto because I'm a pathetic weirdo." Lois: "No." Martha: "One time I had a dog named Shelby." "GOOD IDEA LET'S CALL HIM THAT." Most awkward scene ever, but somehow the best...?

4x16: Lucy

Lois, in all her awesomeness sleep modeness, gets a call from her boring little sister Lucy who for reasons I can't even tell you, needs to come for a visit.

It's okay though because this gives Lois the opportunity to prepare a really nauseating breakfast for the Kents.

lol lucy

4x19: Spirit

Lois, like every other female in this episode, gets possessed by wannabe prom queen Dawn Stiles and decides to make Clark go to prom with her.

It's really awkward. But also enjoyable, mostly due to their faces in this picture.

Also, this is a classic scene in everyone's life. Martha is so the best one who gets possessed. "So, what, you guys get together and mack but keep it on the downlow in public?!"

4x22: Commencement

Lois teaches Clark how to tie his tie. Because apparently he's a hick farm boy who can't do it himself.

Awww family times.

"Wooo fuck yeah, Clark, you graduated high school, we were so worriedddddd!"

5x01: Arrival

After the second meteor shower hits, Lois helps Jonathan find Martha amongst the ruins.

5x04: Aqua

Lois & Clark forever.

5x08: Solitude

Once Martha's car is out of the shop, Lois is going to miss driving her "best friend" home from work every day. Seriously, best bffs ever. Love themmm.

5x10: Fanatic

Lois randomly becomes Jonathan's campaign manager. And, even though she's basically a college dropout, she somehow manages to kick ass at the job.

Jonathan gets hung by his legs by Lex's cronies and...all of the people closest to him were busy doing other things. Martha's like "oh yeah sorry i was busy getting hit on by Lionel Luthor," Clark's like "Oops, my bad, I was trying to explain to Lana why I don't want to have sex with her," and Lois is like "Yeaaah um, I was busy being a kick ass sarcastic bitch and I liked it."

Lois and Jonathan go over his speech which, incidentally, Martha wrote like 80% of.

Lois kicks the crap out of this psycho bitch Lex fanatic who tries to kill Jonathan.

And then Clark arrives. "You're too late, Smallville." Fuck yeah. Lois saves the day and she doesn't even have any damn super powers. What now?

But, uh oh, the campaign is running out of money, despite a huge surge in the polls.

Martha has to tell Lois her secret, about taking money from Lionel Luthor. Lois' mom face is priceless.y

5x12: Reckoning

On the day of the election, Lois uses her charm (?) to get dish on the exits.

"THE WINNERRRRRR. JONATHAN KENTTTTTT." Love, Lois. Too bad he definitely dies only hours later.

5x22: Vessel

Martha and Lois take Lionel's plane to get to Washington, D.C. when their flight is canceled. And Lois can't help but be suspicious of Lionel's super mondo generosity.

"You looooooooooooooove him, you want to have like 10,000 of his babies." "DO NOT DO NOT." Okay, I'm paraphrasing, but that's basically the jist of their whole conversation.

Lois remains unconvinced. Closet Mionel shipper, perhaps?


Um, I don't know, but it ain't lookin' good. Aaand then they basically crash into the Fortress of Solitude due to the evil genius that is Brainiac. Ta-daaaa.

And that, cats and kittens, is why I love Lois Lane. Excluding season six because season six sucks.

watch: smallville, describe: fear, suffer: reality i, lj: quizzes, lj: picspam

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