and so it begins

Jan 06, 2008 15:42

Title: Do Ordain and Establish
Fandom: Alias
Character/Pairing: Jack Bristow/Irina Derevko
Prompt: 006- Rules, from
Rating: PG
Word Count: 691
Summary: She is his now, not the other way around.
Author's Notes/Disclaimer: I got nothin'. As for notes, I would appreciate any thoughts you folks have (even the non-Alias fans). I'm not new to fanfic by any means, but I'm sort of new to bringing it to lj, so...

Rule #1: He makes the rules

He had always been more skilled at laying down the law than she. It explained, perhaps, why he was able to devote his life, all of it, to serving his country and she had long since strayed from serving hers. Of course, he was less adament about the conditions of their endeavors with Laura than he is with Irina. Twenty years ago, he was content to let life happen to them, confident that they were ultimately destined for happiness. Now he is rigid about rules, unforgiving about breaking them. Every second she is in his sight, there are lines she cannot cross, walls she cannot climb. He will not be taken by her again. He insists that she be his prisoner now, literally and figuratively, and he will not allow her to take him hostage as she has on so many other occasions. She is his now, not the other way around.

Rule #2: Sydney is priority

Irina doesn’t remember Jack being quite so obsessively protective about Sydney when Laura was around. Perhaps it was due to the naivete that comes with being young, the inevitable assumption that everything will always be perfect, or at least all right. Before she died, before she left, Sydney’s heart had never been broken, he had never seen her in any kind of lasting pain. It was that pain, that of losing her mother, which caused Jack to become as diligent as enforcer at home as he was at the office. Now, Sydney comes first. Her well-being, her happiness, her health, her safety. This is a priority both parents share, though one is unsurprisingly much better at adhering to it than the other. Whatever they do now, Jack makes it about Sydney, for she is his only shield, his only reason, his only excuse. As long as Sydney exists, he needs to live for nothing else. There may be other things he wants to live for, but that would be against the rules.

Rule #3: Neither heart shall be made available enough to be broken

His heart belongs to him now. He has given to it no one since Laura returned it, and he will not ever let her have it back, especially not as Irina. She is not to offer him her heart, and he is not to receive it. He is not even allowed to want to. He will kill her before he lets that happen. He will ignore the way her hair smells when she brushes past him, he will forget how much he misses the confidence he once felt when she stood beside him, he will look away whenever he sees the Laura he still sometimes sees in her eyes, he will not smile when they accidentally reminisce about days past, he will not hesitate to kill her if these temptations become too great.

Rule #4: Loyalties are not flexible

He has broken this rule before and he will break it again, but he is determined at least to try. He is loyal to the Central Intelligance Agency; yes, sometimes, when he agrees with them. Never if Sydney’s life is in danger. He will defy the United States government if it will somehow ensure his daughter’s safety or happiness, and he will do it loudly without shame. Quietly, though, he will bend, if not break, for Irina. He will break protocol to set her free or give her safe passage. He will give her a head start, he will remove her tracking device, maybe sometimes he will even trust her. Never for long, but at times the fierceness of her devotion and the sincerity of her determination is too powerful for him to deny though he knows better.

Rule #5: All rules are to be discarded in the event of an emergency

Emergency. Like the smile that disarms him, the voice that makes him forget, the words too concise to reveal the truth, the eyes that tell him everything the words cannot, the lies he inexplicably can’t seem to stop falling for.

Oh, to hell with the rules. His love for her will always transcend law.

write: fanfiction, write: challenges, watch: alias

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