Mar 15, 2008 19:11

Yeeeep that's right, spring break finally came and someone is hecka excited.

Except I reaaaally need to spend this week doing all my work from my to-do list.

We're -almost almost almost- done with the MCS video though! Yaaay, that project was taking up a lot more of my life than it should have. It can't have my beautiful spring break, too! x__x

Government credit by exam is the Tuesday when we come back, and I'm definitely no ready for it yet.
I really wanna pass the test so I can have only six classes next year!! :D

1. English IV IB
2. Calculus IB
3. French IV IB
4. Biology II IB (double-block)
5. Theory of Knowledge IB

Which reminds me, I forgot to tell my counselor about this whole testing-out-of-government thing, so I need to e-mail her about it >__>

I also need to re-start my graphics work! D: Yes, I have reached my max for CAS hours in the creativity sector, but I really haven't done anything new graphics-wise since last year, before I lost all my resources. ;__; I feel really guilty for not updating
shanghaix1943 in FOREVER. And technically, I no longer have an excuse for my lack of productivity because I reclaimed a lot of my resources yay! ^^

Plus, though I lovelovelove this layout, I kind of miss having a pretty header at the top, y'know? :\

Random: I pretty much started crying in the car on the way to Pho Pasteur when I was thinking about graduation next year. T__T I'll miss everybody so much.

Well, it's time for dinner! Mommy made CURRY today! One of my faves, mmmm~ I really should do as she says and learn how to cook stuff before I leave for college [assuming I don't go to UTD >__>] next year!

!personal, :]

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