33 icons: Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Glee, Downton Abey, Game of Thrones etc.

Jan 01, 2012 20:44

As some of you already know, I've graduated from university and am working my first 'grown-up' job. It's forty hours a week, which leaves me very little time to icon. So this is a round-up post of all the icons I've made over the last few months. Many of you will have seen these icons around at wonderous-stuff, but I never got around to posting them all together here. The lovely Nia (likealight) inspired me to 'clean up' with the new year here. As a result, this is a little bit of everything, both topic and style wise.

I'm always open to talk about my icons, or icons in general, so if there's anything you'd like to say or ask, don't hesitate to do so!

33 icons
12 x Doctor Who
04 x Harry Potter
02 x Glee
02 x Downton Abbey
03 x Game of Thrones
03 x Legend of the Seeker
02 x The Fall
04 x various movies (Amélie, Atonement, Hanna, The King's Speech)
01 x The Crimson Petal and the White









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type: icons, movie: the king's speech, movie: the fall, movie: atonement, tv: legend of the seeker, movie: hanna, tv: downton abbey, tv: game of thrones, movie: amélie, tv: the crimson petal and the white, tv: glee, tv: doctor who

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