Chapter XXX: Records & Omens

Mar 06, 2010 23:50

How quickly the gaps are filled! Surprising, how quickly we've rallied to the call.

Changes in general management are as follows:

Task Force Sheriff-  Matt  I am terribly sorry, World's End
Task Force Deputy- Rion
Task Force Membership- Harry, Gohan, Rion, Dawn, Johnny, Mello, Riqis, Naoto, Trevor, Ryu, Roxas.
Sanctuary Clinic- Evelynn
The Forge- Dean ( Read more... )

axel, bookkeeping, vexen, leadership, tarot cards, saix, towers and riddles

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in_marias_echo March 8 2010, 00:49:05 UTC
Would you really?


illusivetactics March 8 2010, 01:03:05 UTC
This falls well within your expertise, I should think?


in_marias_echo March 8 2010, 01:10:36 UTC
It does, but since when was a scientist, such as yourself, interested in such mystic and occult things?


illusivetactics March 8 2010, 01:15:16 UTC
If you must know, I've been recording what I can of the dreams from memory for months now...trying to puzzle out patterns.

'Scientist' is only a vocation, and such a narrow one to place at the forefront of who we are. And it isn't as if I fell into that apprenticeship strictly by matter of choice...

But I digress. Your thoughts.


in_marias_echo March 8 2010, 01:48:02 UTC
Any luck finding something of interest?

The Dragon card specifically paired with the Tower is certainly something of interest to me. If I'm honest, all the unusual cards are, for they were named if I remember correctly by names of cards that do exist, but are not those cards. I specifically remember Death was mentioned with The Jade Bottle.


illusivetactics March 8 2010, 02:34:36 UTC
Plenty of interesting glimpses, certainly.

...But are you honest, Saix? So too, did the Tower's conjunction with that first card catch my attention. Do we have any among us who would adequately represent such a figure? Or is it telling of what guards the Tower?

...Death? The bottle was greed, yes? A priceless acquisition? Lust? Death. Curious.


in_marias_echo March 8 2010, 03:21:59 UTC
I see.

Wouldn't you like to know? I don't know if there is such a figure here. But... I'm sure you know the dragon eating it's tail is an Oroborous symbol and what it's inherent meanings are.

As for the bottle, as it was represented as Jade, which is commonly green, It could be greed or even envy. Death is pulled not during a physical death, but when sharp changes are due to occur, or there's an ending of a cycle. The Death card, if it's turned over upside down suggests regeneration. It could certainly connect to lust given Jade is a stone connected with 'love.'


illusivetactics March 8 2010, 03:36:16 UTC
It only strengthens the case for the Dark Tower's importance, and the significance of a potential calamity.

In other words, a wealth of emotional stock in that element, certainly, leaning toward the darkness. Also, (My memory has improved for these things, since I've tried at this semi-conscious note-scrawling) the bottle was an object held in an open hand, suggesting a gift, or an offering...


in_marias_echo March 9 2010, 00:57:40 UTC
It seems that way doesn't it, but it all depends on who's reading the cards.

A gift we should accept but not open perhaps? For if we do we will release something awful? It sounds almost like a Pandora's Box situation. Or maybe it's telling us that we will bring the next terrifying damaging thing upon our little world here? How sure can we be?


illusivetactics March 9 2010, 02:23:29 UTC
Yes. Pandora's Box. I've been pulling down similar myths, from among the see if such a bottle is mentioned specifically in any of them.


in_marias_echo March 9 2010, 02:45:51 UTC
Sounds like we've come to similar conclusions doesn't it? At least on those three cards of sorts. What about the others?


[Private] illusivetactics March 9 2010, 02:49:44 UTC
The Two-Faced Man of Mirrors.

There are certainly several candidates.


[Private] in_marias_echo March 9 2010, 02:57:34 UTC
There are. Who makes your short list?


[Private] illusivetactics March 9 2010, 03:55:38 UTC
I considered the Ashfords, but they are gone.

So is the Persian Prince that I could smell darkness on, from time to time.

The Superior, of course, but who holds his other side?

...And there are always others. Perhaps the card represents the dualities of us all.


[Private] in_marias_echo March 9 2010, 04:25:34 UTC
Of course Xemnas...

The thing about mystical mirrors is that often they show the true reflection of a being. The outer guise is stripped, and instead, what's shown is what's within, what's being hidden, be it something beautiful or something of a monstrosity. I'm sure it would drive some mad. The thing about mirrors is that they can confuse and confound, not only show the two faces of the inside and outside beings at once.

But there could also be another meaning... Two faces, the ability to manipulate by use of one tactic for one group, and use of another tactic for yet a different group to reach one's goal. The ability to play both sides.

What do you make of it?


[Private] illusivetactics March 9 2010, 05:21:06 UTC
Much the same.

In conjunction with the others, it is interesting.

And then the bitter victory of the blades...


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