Just as he hit the ground.

Nov 26, 2004 22:08

Sup nigga's? I havent updated since....tuesday. My bro got here on like...12 tuesday night
i woke up and talked to him then went back to sleep
he checked me out of school and we chilled
thursday...ate like everyone else
then went to hang out with "the crew"( my bro and all his friends)
i got dropped kicked into a wheel barrel by my brother
have a cut near my eye...fucker
threw up around 6 times
went home and slept
woke up at 11 on friday with a horrible hangover
got my xbox and played that online with kyle...
owned some n00bs
now i'm about to go to sleep....give me a call if you want to hang out man...4927881 is my home...7127022 cell...later niggas

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