May 09, 2005 20:12
so this weekend was pretty darn cool.
friday went to see planet smashers with joe. it was cool. he likes ska now :) i brought goodness to his life. had some amazing sushi at some random place in hollywood and missed some of the planet smashers set. i'm ashamed to say it was worth it :/ that was good food!
saturday went to my cousin's graduation, then went to eat and had some major drama with a valet parker at this ridiculously expensive restaurant. ended up going to cheesecake factory. it was good, bonded with the fam. then went to party which sucked, then got fucked up and the party rocked. celebrated with stefi. had some more drama at danny's house. had a good talk with him. passed out on his couch. went home like at 3:40. it was stefi's birthday so i had an excuse.
sunday FINALLY went to dim sum with stef anf lindsey for stef's bday. it was yummy. tried on some crazy outfits. went back to stef's went to see joe to return his wallet which he once again left in my car. what brilliance. went to hustler which i had no idea was in florida. they let me into the porn section. the lady didn't even check my id. it was cool. went back to joe's. watched part of basketball diaries. darn good movie. left in a bad mood. got home knocked out. btw i know i'm a shitty daughter for not being with my mom. i know...
today bombed the ap bio test! the rest of school was w/e. got home. got my period, it sucked. called joe and made things worse. i'm really scared this is the beginning of the end because i'm finally realizing hoe much i care about him. blah life sucks. later kids...