
Aug 08, 2008 11:54

My friend Susie (of the Very Hot Wedding Shower) had her eye operated on yesterday, to try to correct her lazy eye/double vision issue. So last night I went to stay with her to make sure she didn't have any terrifying complications overnight, like her eye exploding or something. I was glad to do it, but life got decidedly more complicated than it was when I'd committed to the overnight several months ago. For starters, C's custody schedule has changed and where I didn't used to have her Thursday nights, now I do. Also, I felt crappy (ahem) on Monday & had to reschedule my voice lesson and the only time she had available was 4:30pm yesterday.

SO, yesterday was billing day at work, but with some added features that the new accountant implemented, which meant that every invoice took five times longer, which meant that I got out the door late to drive 35 minutes to Medford to pick C up from camp early so I could drive 30 minutes back to Haddonfield (10 minutes from where I work) to make my voice lesson - I was only a few minutes late, but still, it was frustrating. Then back home to grab C's aikido gear and back in the car to throw her in the door, then back home to pack and explain to
aerialbear how to get to Susie's (they came later, bearing dinner) and how to get to camp, then finally to Susie's, where I arrived close to 7, a mere 2 hours after I'd originally agreed to get there.
aerialbear & C arrived later with aforementioned dinner, hung out a bit, then went home for bed. It was a busy day.

I got Susie situated and slept on her couch. Aside from it being a couch, I didn't bring my c-pap because like an idiot I was afraid I'd sleep too deeply if I did and wouldn't hear Susie if she called, so I slept fitfully all night. Then she was up bright and early at 6 am, puttering in her apartment (as is her every right to do) much to my groggy annoyance. Because Percocet has the opposite effect on her, the minute she saw I was awake, she started chatting animatedly. If you know me at all, you know that this is no way to greet me in the morning if you value your life. Still, she was post-op, so I sucked it up and tried to listen and breathe through any murderous impulses.

I took her to the doc to have her sutures adjusted (shudder), then we grabbed some breakfast. It was amazing to me that even though they'd sliced her EYE open the previous day, she could see pretty well today. Then I brought her home and finally got to work about 10:45. The boss made some edits to the invoices, so now I have to try to focus when all I want to do is snuggle up to the quiet, flat surface of my desk and pass the hell out.

/exhausted ramble

Oh, in the cool news column, we did get invited to her son's very fancy wedding at some castle in Long Island. I guess the bride appreciated all that effort, and I did hit it off really well with her and her friends, so that made me feel really good. Call me crazy, but I love weddings.

fun with healthcare, what i did

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