LOG POST: Mukuro and Tsuna

Sep 27, 2008 19:32

LOG POST: Mukuro and Tsuna

Old log is old. Long log is long. This happened a couple days ago and since it's Margie and I, it took forever to finish since we're weird like that. Anyway, this log is extra super duper cute and awkward and maybe a little angsty. It's also rated NC-17 for sexy times. Except not really. Remember to spade and neuter your pets, kids.

Mukuro: *wanders out onto the deck to get some fresh air* *sees Tsuna and he stops for a moment* *smiles*

Tsuna: [ arms draped over the railing, too preoccupied enjoying the nice weather and watching the sea to notice Mukuro's presence ]

Mukuro: *leans against the railing, watching Tsuna* *figures he hasn't noticed him yet*

Tsuna: [ notices him out of the corner of his eye when he leans over as well and jumps back in surprise, eyes wide ] M-Mukuro--!

Mukuro: *blinks* Ah, my apologies for startling you, Tsunayoshi-kun.

Tsuna: [ waves his hands in front of him ] N-no, it's fine -- I was just leaving anyway, haha! S-see you around--! [ turns to leave! ]

Mukuro: *can't help but laugh a little* Where are you going? *grabs onto his arm to stop him* You didn't look like you were about to leave.

Tsuna: [ looks back at him, blushing ] U-um, I don't know, just back inside? I-I didn't want to bother you while you were out here too..!

Mukuro: *small smile* You're not bothering me. *moves a little closer*

Tsuna: [ was hoping that would be a good enough excuse.. ] O-oh. Then.. I-I guess I'll stay out here a little longer...

Mukuro: *yeah, try harder, Tsuna* *lets go of his arm and leans against the railing* I'd like it if you stayed.

Tsuna: I-I'll stay, b-but not for long.. [ rests his hands on the railing, nervously tapping his fingers against it, a fair distance from Mukuro ]

Mukuro: I'm all right with that. *can hear the tapping* *is quiet, simply listening to the ocean* Tsunayoshi-kun?

Tsuna: [ doesn't look over ] Wh-what?

Mukuro: Are you going to be busy later?

Tsuna: N-- [ stops himself ] U-um, probably..!

Mukuro: *raises an eyebrow* Oh really? Hmm.

Tsuna: Y-yes, really!

Mukuro: Ah, I see. *nods* I was hoping you'd join me later.

Tsuna: J-join you..? For what?

Mukuro: Mm, I opened up the Guitar Hero game finally.

Tsuna: O-oh. [ insert inner turmoil over choosing to avoid Mukuro over GUITAR HERO!! ]

Mukuro: *small smile* Yes. I was hoping you'd join me. It's more fun to have someone to play against.

Tsuna: Th-that's true.. M-maybe I'll be free later.. [ would really like to play 8( ]

Mukuro: *would like it if Tsuna played with him* Alright.

Tsuna: [ feeling awkward now though so.. ] U-um, I should go now. [ turns to head for the door ]

Mukuro: Ah. *glances at him* Tsunayoshi-kun...

Tsuna: [ turns back for a second ] Y-yes..?

Mukuro: What do you think about sunsets? *it's nearing sunset, of course*

Tsuna: [ blinks ] Hah.. They're nice, I guess.

Mukuro: Then won't you stay?

Tsuna: Ah. [ a bit surprised by that. guess it won't hurt. ] I.. o-okay. [ goes back to his own spot quietly ]

Mukuro: *smiles again at him then looks back out at the ocean and the sky* *leaning against the railing casually*

Tsuna: [ not too thrilled about spending more time in Mukuro's company but the sky does look nice and focusing all his energy on enjoying that makes it easier to ignore Mukuro ]

Mukuro: *inches a little closer to him* *would like to change Tsuna's opinion about spending time with him*

Tsuna: [ too focused on looking at pretty clouds to notice that~ ]

Mukuro: *moves just a little closer* *knows he's totally focusing in on the clouds*

Tsuna: [ very good at this ignoring thing :> ]

Mukuro: *smirks a little and shifts until he's about a foot away from Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ still rather occupied gazing at the pretty sky, unfortunately. resting his cheek against one of his hands propped up on the railing ]

Mukuro: *isn't staring at him, no really*

Tsuna: [ Mukuro should be looking at the sunset like Tsuna is ]

Mukuro: *except, he's not* *leans on the railing and glances at the sunset then back at Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ looks over at Mukuro for a second and nearly jumps back from surprise, letting out a small hiii! ] Wh-when did you get so close..?!

Mukuro: Kufufu~ *smirks* Since a few moments ago?

Tsuna: [ slides along the railing a few feet ] H-haven't you ever heard of personal space?!

Mukuro: *slides a few feet after him* Well, yes, I have, but I don't abide by it.

Tsuna: [ goes a few more ] W-well, you should!!

Mukuro: *follows him* I'd rather not, Tsunayoshi-kun.

Tsuna: [ holds his hands out in protest ] S-stop!

Mukuro: --! *actually does stop* *blinks*

Tsuna: [ rather surprised it worked ] U-um, just.. stop being so close!

Mukuro: *takes a breath and then takes a step back* Hm.

Tsuna: Th-thank you.. [ sigh of relief ]

Mukuro: *nods* *leans on the railing again, composing himself*

Tsuna: [ still surprised Mukuro's listening to him but is grateful ] Hn.. [ turns back to the sunset ]

Mukuro: *is actually playing along* *watching the sunset now* *looks rather thoughtful*

Tsuna: [ back to ignoring Mukuro, only here for the sunset after all ]

Mukuro: *doesn't move until the sun sets completely and it's dark now* *the little flood lights on the ship come on and he glances at Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ takes a step back from the railing to admire the night sky for a bit ] I-I better get going. Er, bye. [ trying to leave now! ]

Mukuro: *kinda moves and reaches for his hand, tugging lightly so that he'll stop* Where do you have to go, Tsuna?

Tsuna: [ turns around, cheeks flushed over his name ] B-back inside..! I-I don't really like the sea air..? [ lying so hard ]

Mukuro: *laughs* Why are you lying? *likes it when Tsuna is flustered*

Tsuna: H-how did you know--?! [ pulls his hand away ]

Mukuro: It's yours eyes and the way you're holding yourself. *rests his hands at his sides*

Tsuna: Erk-- [ takes a couple steps back ]

Mukuro: *leans his back against the railing* It's alright if you lie.

Tsuna: .. wh-why?

Mukuro: Because it's impossible to be truthful all the time. *watching him idly*

Tsuna: M-most people don't like it when other lies though..

Mukuro: *shrugs* Mn, true. I'm just saying.

Tsuna: R-right. [ bites down on his lip nervously ] L-like I was saying, I-I'm gonna go! [ leaving.. for the THIRD TIME ]

Mukuro: *tilts his head a little* Ciao, Tsunayoshi-kun. *letting him leave FOR NOW*

Tsuna: B-bye! [ retreats back to safety of his room so he can just die into his pillow and keysmash internally ]

Mukuro: *stays outside on the deck for another ten minutes* *figures Tsuna retreated to his room to keysmash forever or something* *sighs and goes back inside eventually*

Tsuna: [ decides to stay inside his room for the better part of the night since he definitely can't be around Mukuro if given a choice and lately, his choice has always been no anyway ]

Mukuro: *a couple hours pass and he knows Tsuna is definitely not going to come out* *so, he finishes what he's doing and goes to Tsuna's room* *stands outside his room* *knocks on the door*

Tsuna: [ had fallen asleep and wakes up from the knock, answers back a little groggily ] Wh-who is it..?

Mukuro: It's me. *quietly*

Tsuna: M-Mukuro..? [ takes a couple seconds before it registers ] ..! Wh-what do you want?

Mukuro: To talk.

Tsuna: [ squeaks to himself ] A-about what--?!

Mukuro: Things that I'd rather not talk about through a door.

Tsuna: [ sighs, feeling rather mean already so gets up, unlocks the door but doesn't open it, and goes back to sit on his bed looking down at his hands ]

Mukuro: *slightly grateful that Tsuna isn't going to fight with him since he'd rather not go through another Dino incident* *opens the door slowly and pokes his head inside* *walks into the door and then shuts the door behind him*

Tsuna: [ looks up when the door is shut and blinks at Mukuro, cheeks a bit red ]

Mukuro: *hesitates purposefully before going over to the bed and sitting down next to him*

Tsuna: S-so, wh-what did you want to talk about? [ gosh, this wall is so interesting, starestarestare ]

Mukuro: *sorta staring at the wall, too* There's someone else, isn't there?

Tsuna: [ sits up straighter, blushing more ] E-erm, y-yes..

Mukuro: Is she pretty? *glances at him, feeling awkward for seriously the second time in his life*

Tsuna: [ fumbles around with his hands in his laps, looking down ] V-very.. sh-she's the prettiest girl I know. K-Kyoko-chan's amazing.

Mukuro: *nods, glancing over at the little window* I see.

Tsuna: [ slumps down a bit further ] I-it's just a silly crush though-- sh-she would never like someone like me..

Mukuro: Mm, that is probably so. *sorry, Tsuna, it's just a fact*

Tsuna: ... [ hearing that just crushes his spirit more, so much despair right now ]

Mukuro: *shifts a little in his spot on the bed* Tsunayoshi-kun... *sighs, tilting his head up at the ceiling a little*

Tsuna: [ stops his woeee for a second and looks over at him ] ...?

Mukuro: There are always others. *glances back at him*

Tsuna: [ blinks at him, a blush crossing over his cheeks as he remembers what Mukuro told him a couple weeks ago ] R-right.. [ looks away swiftly, covering his mouth with his hand ]

Mukuro: *small smile* *leans back a little on his hands* Is it that wrong to you?

Tsuna: [ shakes his head ] N-no, just... weird? [ talking about just him, rather than in general ]

Mukuro: *purses his lips, thinking* Weird. *laughs a little*

Tsuna: [ scratches the side of his cheek, embarrassed ] Um, Mukuro?

Mukuro: Yes? *glances at Tsuna* *looks thoughtful*

Tsuna: [ turns to face him, hands on the bed ] Wh-why me?

Mukuro: *stares at him curiously for a moment and then glances away, thinking* *sighs, gathering his thoughts before turning to Tsuna again* Because you're different than the rest of them.

Tsuna: [ frowns a little ] Th-that's a little vague..

Mukuro: *laughs a little, looking down at his lap* Well, fondness is a vague thing. This whole concept of 'love' or whatever--it's not set stone. You just know when it happens.

Tsuna: [ looks down at his hands curling up in the sheets ] I-I guess that's true. [ wouldn't really know anyway ]

Mukuro: Yeah. *sounds uncertain, though* *looking at Tsuna idly*

Tsuna: [ sits back up straightly, looking at the wall again ] Is that all you wanted to talk about?

Mukuro: Ah, there's one more thing. *might have scooted a little closer to him*

Tsuna: [ looks at him, not noticing that ] Wh-what is it?

Mukuro: Are you still going to join me later? *smiles*

Tsuna: [ blinks ] E-erm, maybe..

Mukuro: Is that a 'yes' maybe or a 'no' maybe?

Tsuna: [ frowns ] A maybe maybe.

Mukuro: Kufufu~ *glances at him, smirking* A maybe maybe, hm?

Tsuna: Yes, maybe. [ looks away from him again ]

Mukuro: So, it's actually a 'yes'?

Tsuna: N-no, I didn't mean it like that--! Maybe!!

Mukuro: Then what exactly do you mean, Tsunayoshi-kun? *tilts his head curiously at him*

Tsuna: I-if I feel like, I'll go. [ pouts ]

Mukuro: *shifts a little closer to him* Ah, I see. So, if you feel like going then you'll go...

Tsuna: Y-yeah, that's right.

Mukuro: *studying Tsuna now* Kufufu~

Tsuna: [ gives him a frown ] Wh-what.

Mukuro: Nothing. *small smile*

Tsuna: W-well, if that's all..!

Mukuro: Actually, there's one more thing.

Tsuna: M-more--?!

Mukuro: Just one more thing.

Tsuna: Wh-what now?

Mukuro: This. *leans over and kisses his cheek*

Tsuna: [ takes a couple seconds to register what he just did ] -- E-eeh?! [ jumps up off the bed and covers his cheek ] Wh-what did you do that for?!

Mukuro: *smirks a little, totally amused* Because I felt like it.

Tsuna: S-stop feeling like that then-! [ blushing ]

Mukuro: *laughs* Why?

Tsuna: B-because it's.. u-unsettling..!

Mukuro: It's not meant to be unsettling. *small smirk*

Tsuna: [ frowns at him ] Well, it is!

Mukuro: It was just a kiss on the cheek, Tsunayoshi-kun.

Tsuna: Still-! D-don't just do stuff like that..

Mukuro: Would you prefer I did something else then?

Tsuna: I-I'd prefer if you didn't do anything at all!

Mukuro: That makes it hard for me to do anything, though.

Tsuna: T-too bad then!

Mukuro: Kufufu~

Tsuna: [ looks down and blushes ] A-are you done now?

Mukuro: *shifts just a little closer* No.

Tsuna: [ takes a few steps away ] But you said there was just one more thing..!

Mukuro: I keep thinking of other things to say. *glances at him*

Tsuna: Wh-what else could you possibly have to say?!

Mukuro: You'd be surprised. *leans back a little*

Tsuna: Th-then hurry up and say it then leave!

Mukuro: No, I'd rather not say it at all.

Tsuna: Then go already! [ points to the door, frustrated ]

Mukuro:: *doesn't want to admit how cute Tsuna is when he's frustrated* *laughs*

Tsuna: Ugh! [ frown deepens and gives him a bit of a glare ] Y-you're so frustrating sometimes..!

Mukuro: *just smiles dangerously, flirtatiously at him* *shrugs a little* When am I not frustrating, hm?

Tsuna: ... you're right, you're always frustrating--!

Mukuro: I won't deny that. *pauses* However, I think, I can be accommodating at times...

Tsuna: L-like when-?! [ doesn't believe him! ]

Mukuro: *shrugs* When I feel like it, I suppose.

Tsuna: Th-then.. feel like it and leave my room already!

Mukuro: Only if you leave with me.

Tsuna: [ sjkdjskk ] Th-that defeats the point!

Mukuro: What exactly is the point?

Tsuna: You. [ points ] Out! [ jabs his finger towards the door ] Without me!

Mukuro: *stares at him* Anger is very unbecoming on you, you know. *smirks in amusement*

Tsuna: Y-you're the cause of it!

Mukuro: I seem to be the cause of everything around here. *raises an eyebrow at him*

Tsuna: That doesn't surprise me.. [ sighs ]

Mukuro: Not always my fault, you know. That mess down in the kitchen was entirely Cavallone's fault. *nod nod*

Tsuna: [ brings a hand up to his forehead and lets out another sigh ] You're not going to leave me alone, are you?

Mukuro: No, I'm not. *smirks* Getting good at this, aren't you? *scoots a little closer*

Tsuna: [ grumbles a bit ] Wh-what will it take you to go away?

Mukuro: I'm not about to tell you that. Kufufu~

Tsuna: Ugh, f-fine! [ throws his hands up in frustration and just takes a seat on his bed again, fuming to himself ]

Mukuro: *watches him and then sits down next to him, not too close, but not too far*

Tsuna: [ feeling rather defeated, so scoots a bit away ]

Mukuro: *hesitates for a moment before wrapping an arm lightly around Tsuna's shoulders*

Tsuna: [ puts a hand on his chest to push him away ] H-hands off--!

Mukuro: *blinks and rests his hands in his lap*

Tsuna: [ blinks back at him, shocked Mukuro complied ] Er. [ slides away from him some more, for good measure ]

Mukuro: *really, who knows what he's doing by obeying Tsuna* ... *glances over at him* Are you afraid?

Tsuna: O-of what..?

Mukuro: *shrugs* Of anything, really.

Tsuna: [ fidgets a bit ] O-of course, everyone's afraid of something.

Mukuro: *shifts towards him again, listening to the bed creak* What are you afraid of?

Tsuna: [ looks at him, confused ] Wh-why do you want to know?

Mukuro: *shrugs* I just do.

Tsuna: I-I don't see why I should tell you something like that..

Mukuro: Well, I suppose you don't have to tell me anything.

Tsuna: [ mulls over it for a moment ] What are you afraid of?

Mukuro: *tilts his head thoughtfully* I asked you first.

Tsuna: I-I'll tell if you tell.

Mukuro: *considers this* Hmm.

Tsuna: [ is rather curious how Mukuro will answer him ]

Mukuro: *leans back on his hands, thinking about this one* *glances slyly at Tsuna* Alright, I'll tell if you tell.

Tsuna: H-hey, I said that first! [ frowns ]

Mukuro: *laughs* Well, I asked you first, it's only fair that you say yours first.

Tsuna: [ knows he can't get out of that, so chews on his lip for a few moments, thinking about it ] I-- I'm afraid of drowning and bullies and Reborn. [ bites down on his bottom lip, hesitating before continuing ] A-and I'm afraid of what will happen when I really become the Tenth and.. m-my friends getting hurt on account of me.

Mukuro: *studies him* So, you're afraid of your responsibilities. *finds that sorta interesting*

Tsuna: I-it's not like I chose all of that..

Mukuro: *pulls his knees up to his chest* I know that.

Tsuna: [ stares down at the floor ] ... s-so, what about you?

Mukuro: *sighs inwardly, thinking again* *has an answer, but he's sure he wants to sure it yet because he's pretty sure that nobody knows what he fears and what he doesn't and everything in between, with the possible exception of Chrome* *moves his legs a little and leans closer to Tsuna, whispering almost* Well, once you've been through hell a few times, it's hard to find anything to fear, but there is something.

Tsuna: A-ah, r-right, I forget that sometimes.. the whole hell thing. [ turns to look at him, leaning back a bit ] Wh-what's that something..?

Mukuro: *shifts a little, silent* *shakes his head*

Tsuna: N-no? [ frowns ] You said you'd say it.

Mukuro: *not looking at Tsuna, he sighs inwardly*Love. *almost inaudibly*

Tsuna: [ blinks, surprise rather evident on his face ] R-really..?

Mukuro: *feels his face heat up and he wants to feel angry, but he can't* *looks down at the floor* *tiniest nod*

Tsuna: Hm. [ looks over him, a small smile finding his way to his lips for the first time while he's been with Mukuro today ]

Mukuro: *sits up a little and glances at Tsuna by chance, noticing the small smile on his face right away* *blinks* ...

Tsuna: Ah. [ holds his hands out in front of him, waving them a bit ] I-I'm not laughing at you!

Mukuro: *quirks a smile and chuckles a little* I didn't think you were... Tsuna.

Tsuna: [ smiles weakly, wondering why Mukuro is calling him by that now ] G-good, haha.

Mukuro: *calling him that now because he can and he wants to* You should smile more often. *means that*

Tsuna: S-smile? [ blushes a bit and scratches his cheek ] Haaah, that's kinda hard with everything that happens around me.

Mukuro: *nods* You should still smile anyway. *studying him idly*

Tsuna: Err, maybe if anything good ever happened to me. [ lets out a small sigh ]

Mukuro: Kufufu~ *leans back on his hands again* Anything good?

Tsuna: I-it doesn't happen often. [ plops down onto his bed and closes his eyes ] A break from the pirate life would be a good thing.

Mukuro: *watches him, grinning a little* A break from the pirate life? Since when have you done anything pirate-like? *because he certainly hasn't other than his "mutiny" of the ship*

Tsuna: I-I've been trying to keep away from doing anything like that..! I-if anything, this is more like a really long, long, boring cruise... where I have a bounty. [ winces, remembering that ]

Mukuro: *stretches out beside him* There's always the chance of landing on another island, you know.

Tsuna: Another island.. hm, that'd be nice. Maybe this time we can stay docked for more than a few days.

Mukuro: It'd be a nice change from being on the ship. I'm sure we'll come across one soon. Kufufu~

Tsuna: Aah, I sure hope so. [ sighs, stretching his arms up in the air above him ]

Mukuro: Mm. *closes his eyes for a moment, just sort of taking in the moment* *smiles a little*

Tsuna: [ smiling as well, amazed he's enjoying Mukuro's company right now ]

Mukuro: *opens his eyes and looks up at the ceiling lazily* *is silent as he has nothing to say*

Tsuna: [ still has his eyes closed, thoughts wandering away in the silence, making him forget that was he was with Mukuro right now, thus is a little more relaxed ]

Mukuro: *glances at Tsuna curiously, sitting up a little and watching him more closely* *leans over, hoping the bed doesn't creak too much and brushes his lips over Tsuna's ever so gently, eyes fluttered closed before fully kissing him*

Tsuna: [ hadn't taken much notice to Mukuro's shifting until he felt his lips ghost over his, eyes opening in shock. lets a weak, muffled sound and makes a move to push him away, but loses the will to do so a couple of seconds, instead choosing to just clutch at Mukuro's shirt, closing his eyes again ]

Mukuro: *rests a hand on Tsuna's cheek, leaning over a little more to kiss him just a little more deeply, the clutching of his shirt seeming almost encouraging*

Tsuna: [ lets out another sound as he feels his cheeks heat up immensely, feels himself weakening more and more with every second into the kiss, his clutching becoming looser as well ]

Mukuro: *letting himself melt into this kiss (because god knows when he'll get to do it again)* *slides his hand gently down Tsuna's cheek to his neck* *hums in content, kissing him a little harder* *doesn't want this to end*

Tsuna: [ arches up a bit in response to the hand drifting down to his neck, the warmth tickling his skin, causing him to press into the kiss, unintentionally of course ]

Mukuro: *propping himself up with his other hand so he doesn't fall on top of Tsuna (not that he'd mind probably), he continues kissing him, varying the pressure slightly* *gently drags his fingertips down Tsuna's neck, touching him in a unintentional ticklish-like manner*

Tsuna: [ turns his head to the side and breaks off the kiss, the dragging of the fingers proving to be too much for him. ] A-ahh-- [ gasps a bit, completely flush and red, too embarrassed to look Mukuro in the eye ]

Mukuro: *opens his eyes when Tsuna breaks away and he moves back just slightly, pulling his fingers away, too* *his cheeks are flushed* ... *looks at Tsuna, a little disappointed that it ended so quickly*

Tsuna: [ stays silent for a while, trying to collect himself and ignore the rapid beating of his heart ] Y-you-- [ purses his lips into a pout, eyebrows furrowed ] D-didn't you say that you would wait until I was ready--?

Mukuro: *waits for Tsuna to say something* *almost bites his lip but he stops himself and he nods a little, shifting his gaze to the side for a moment* *feels his stomach knot and he tries to ignore it*

Tsuna: [ hesitantly turns to look at Mukuro still hovering above him, gaze wavering, turning even redder ] Th-then why did you just..?

Mukuro: Ah. *feels his face heat up again* *is not prepared to answer that question at all*

Tsuna: [ his eyes can't stay locked onto Mukuro's mismatched ones for too long-- too unsettling -- so his gaze drifts downward, both hands covering his mouth where he swears he can still feel those lips on his, so Tsuna shuffles down a bit, to ward off this feeling ]

Mukuro: *swallows, his heart sinking slowly when Tsuna looks away* *wants to pull those hands away and kiss his lips again, imprinting that feeling of his lips on Tsuna's lips for forever* Tsuna...? *quietly, after a moment*

Tsuna: [ eyes flicker back up for a moment, but only for a split second and now they're off to the side; it comes out more as a muffle than anything else ] Wh-what?

Mukuro: *reaches out hesitantly and pulls Tsuna's hands away from his mouth* ... Why do you do that?

Tsuna: [ lets out a shaky breath as his hands are pulled away ] D-do what..? I-I'm not the one doing anything, y-you are..!

Mukuro: *holds Tsuna's hands gently* When you put your hands to your mouth. *flickers his eyes down at Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ squirms slightly, still not looking at him ] I-I don't know-- I just do it! Th-there isn't a reason. [ not one he was consciously aware of, anyway ]

Mukuro: *listens, nodding a little while he plays with Tsuna's hands, opening his palm and touching his fingers with care* I see.

Tsuna: [ curls his fingers a bit, pulling back a little and gives him a confused look ] Wh-what are you doing?

Mukuro: *runs his fingertips down Tsuna's palm* Playing with your hands. *isn't looking at him*

Tsuna: [ remembers those fingers on his neck just a few moments ago and almost shudders, pulling back with a little more force now ] S-stop that--

Mukuro: *before Tsuna can pull away completely, he kisses the top of his hand* *a small smirk graces his lips*

Tsuna: [ frowns at that kiss, but is glad he has his hands back. can no longer stay under Mukuro like this -- the air is too thick and he can barely breathe -- so he tries to prop himself up onto his elbows and slip out from underneath ]

Mukuro: *gets the hint and moves off of him after Tsuna props himself up on his elbows--not that he was really that much on top of him--and shifts to his previous spot* *sighs and lays back down on the bed, closing his eyes*

Tsuna: [ glances over at Mukuro, wondering how he could be so calm after doing that, but then he remembers it's Mukuro and he can't really expect much else from him, because that's what he always did, do something shocking and leave it at that; the train of thought made Tsuna grumble a bit as he sat up straight, staring down at the other boy ]

Mukuro: *if only Tsuna understood that on the inside he's not as calm as he looks on the outside* *inside, in that very brief moment, his heart beat wildly, his thoughts melded into the abyss, and all that was left was the simple act of kissing and the feeling of enjoying that sole kiss* *breathing slowly, still calm and composed as he lies on the bed, eyes still closed, trying to gather his thoughts*

Tsuna: [ subconsciously, his hand hovers over his mouth again, fingers lightly brushing his lips, his face reddening at the memory of Mukuro's touch again. he didn't understand -- he had Kyoko-chan ( no signs of the same feelings, but he thought he only wanted her affections ) and Mukuro had Dino -- so this was wrong and all this wasn't supposed to happen, but guh, he still couldn't stop his heart from beating so loudly he thought it'd leap right out of his chest. he had never wished more than at any moment in his life to just disappear right then and there ]

Mukuro: *sighs inwardly* *his thoughts continue to swirl and all he wants to think about is kissing Tsuna, Tsuna's hands, the way he blushes and lots of other cliche things one thinks about when they're infatuated with another person* *he recalls the fading feeling of his own lips pressed against Tsuna's and he wishes to feel that again just once more, and perhaps, Tsuna will kiss him back* *some moments later, he opens his eyes slowly and looks up at the ceiling*

Tsuna: [ he notices he was still looking down at Mukuro and quickly turns his head. it wouldn't have mattered much before but now things were different and it was.. weird and awkward. pulling his legs onto the bed and sheepishly pulling his knees closer to himself, he wants to say something-- anything, but his mind was completely blank save for that stupid kiss that insisted on replaying itself in his head ] Mph. [ another grumble. he was upset, more so at himself for feeling this way than at Mukuro, really ]

Mukuro: *stares at the ceiling unimpressed by its wooden beams and white paint* *sits up slowly and brushes his hair out of his eyes* *hears Tsuna's grumbling, assuming he's upset by... probably everything he's done up until now* *feels nothing like this when he's with Dino, and even though he wants to feel good like he does whenever he's with Dino, this time--and anytime with Tsuna--is so different and awkward and yet, he doesn't wants the unspoken tension to end between them*

Tsuna: [ oh man, but did he ever want this suffocating tension to end. not that there wasn't tension before, what with Mukuro's constant insistence of possessing his body- but he always thought of them as empty threats ( they.. were empty threats, right..? ) now it was just. awkward. there was no other word to describe it. he never felt this way with kyoko-chan, blushy and nervous, pure intentions on both sides but-- Mukuro was a completely different matter and now all those jokes about taking his body only made him feel more nervous. he blushed, clutching his head in anguish because ohgod, he did not just think of it like that. internal keysmashing right about now? definitely. ]

Mukuro: *perhaps, it's just his masochistic side showing, but he rather likes the tension between them* *after all, it's not nearly as fun if there isn't any friction* *however, and he hates to admit it, but he doesn't know where he wants to take his intentions yet and while those possession threats may seem empty, he could take them in a different way...* *not that he's really thinking about that right now, but it's something to consider should things go in that direction* *glances down at his calloused hands and he swallows* *stares at them for a moment and then he smirks a little, letting out a tiny chuckle*

Tsuna: [ Tsuna could only hope that it was just his stupid imagination and nothing like that would ever happen. he definitely didn't know what Mukuro was up to, telling him he liked him and everything.. it only made matters more confusing for him, after all. he turns back a bit at the chuckle, throwing a glance at the other ] ..? [ for once, he was glad his thoughts were interrupted by Mukuro. he needed to just stop thinking right now. ]

Mukuro: *studying his hands still* I want to hold your hands. *quietly, glancing a second at him*

Tsuna: [ blinks ] H-haah? Y-you what? [ doesn't think he heard quite right ]

Mukuro: I want to hold your hands. *says it a little louder this time* *knows he sorta hold them before but he wants to touch them again*

Tsuna: Wh-why? [ looks at him, uneasy, wondering what he was up to ]

Mukuro: *looks back at him, his eyes soft and calm* I want to. *isn't going to break off your fingers, Tsuna!*

Tsuna: [ figures that can't possibly cause any harm and Mukuro sounded sincere enough ] Er.. okay. [ it wasn't approval, but it wasn't exactly a 'no' either ]

Mukuro: *scoots over to him and carefully takes Tsuna's hands in his own* *smiles a little and then laces his fingers with Tsuna's*

Tsuna: [ is a little surprised by Mukuro's gentleness right now. feels strange, their hands entwined like this. can feel how rough the other's skin is and the tiniest of frowns finds its way to his face, knowing well why it was like that ]

Mukuro: *can be gentle when he wants to be, you know* *hasn't really held hands with anyone before--not even with Dino--and it feels odd, but rather comfortable, too* *likes the softness of Tsuna's hands*

Tsuna: [ hasn't really done this before either -- though he's fantasized about it a thousand times over in his head with Kyoko-chan ] Mukuro.. [ leans in a little, tilting his head and looking at him curiously ] Why are you doing this--?

Mukuro: *smiles a little at Tsuna* Why not do this?

Tsuna: [ frown deepens ] I-I wish you would stop answering things like that.

Mukuro: *laces his fingers a little tighter* I want you to stop questioning things just for this one moment.

Tsuna: F-fine. [ pouts a bit ]

Mukuro: You only get one moment for everything, Tsunayoshi-kun. *moves a little closer* Hold onto that one moment, you know? *smiles*

Tsuna: R-right.. [ doesn't really understand, but nods along ]

Mukuro: *being philosophical only works with Dino, doesn't it?* *shakes his head and chuckles lowly* You'll figure it out sooner or later, Tsunayoshi-kun.

Tsuna: [ thinks rather simply, sorry, Mukuro~ ] People say that too much. [ purses his lips in discontent ] I just want to know.

Mukuro: *squeezes his hand without thinking, amused by all this* *sighs inwardly, contemplating telling him or not* I've already told you a lot tonight.

Tsuna: [ smiles, perking up a bit at the mention of that ] Oh yeah, I nearly forgot because.. er. [ stops self from finishing that sentence ] A-anyway, um, I'm glad-- that you told me that.

Mukuro: *will probably not tell him anything else for a good long time* *tilts his head a little at him, still holding his hand* Kufufu~ Perhaps another time I'll you something else.

Tsuna: That would be.. nice. [ will hold him to it, even if it takes a while. looks down at their hands ] S-so, are you done holding my hands now?

Mukuro: *isn't lying about that one, strangely enough* Ah, for now, I suppose. *untwines their fingers slowly and lets him go*

Tsuna: F-for now--? [ rests his hands on the bed, giving Mukuro a strange look-- what do you mean, for now? ]

Mukuro: *laughs* Well, I might want to hold them again. *smirks coyly at him*

Tsuna: A-again?! R-really now, what for? [ hesitant about letting him do it again, especially with that smirk on his face ]

Mukuro: I have my reasons. *shrugs*

Tsuna: A-any chance you'll share these reasons..? [ hopeful, maybe ]

Mukuro: *laughs and leans back on his hands again* Mm, no. *pauses*

Tsuna: [ lets out a tiny sigh, closing his eyes ] Figures.

Mukuro: *cannot help but be mysterious* Kufufu~ *feels rather sleepy now* What time is it?

Tsuna: U-um. [ glances over at the clock on his nightstand ] It's almost.. 2 now. How did it get to be so late..? [ mumbles last bit to self ]

Mukuro: *nods* Ah. *well, that explains why he's sleepy* Time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? *small smirk*

Tsuna: F-fun.. right. [ laughs weakly ] M-maybe you should get back to your room then.

Mukuro: I'm afraid I can't do that, Tsunayoshi-kun. My room is occupied at the moment.

Tsuna: Occupied..? By who?

Mukuro: Chikusa. I have allowed him to use my room.

Tsuna: Oh. [ thinks for a second ] Why not use his room then?

Mukuro: He rooms with Ken. *pointed look*

Tsuna: O-oh, right. [ bites his lip ]Err, Dino-san's room then?

Mukuro: *shifty eyes* He was already asleep. I'd prefer not to disturb him. *lying*

Tsuna: I-I guess that wouldn't be a good idea.. [ does not like where this is going ]

Mukuro: *loves where this is going obviously* My thoughts precisely. *looks over at Tsuna*

Tsuna: Um, you can have my room then-- I-I'll just go downstairs. [ pushing himself off the bed now ]

Mukuro: *blinks* You don't need to do that, Tsunayoshi-kun. *grabs his wrist*

Tsuna: Ah- [ blushes a bit at that ] I-it's okay, I don't mind, haha.

Mukuro: I insist that you stay here. Your bed is large enough.

Tsuna: Erm.. [ doesn't know if he'd be comfortable with that anyway ] I-I think it'd be better if I slept downstairs--

Mukuro: Please? *giving him that look* *small smile*

Tsuna: [ looks away from him, rubbing the back of his neck with a pout on his face, too tired to continue arguing about it ] O-okay, fine..

Mukuro: *lets go of his wrist, smirking triumphantly on the inside* Alright. *smiles calmly at him then he tugs off his socks and takes off his belt, placing it on the floor*

Tsuna: [ had been sleeping before Mukuro came so already prepped for bed; crawls underneath the blankets, plopping face first into his pillow, not believing this was happening again ]

Mukuro: *crawls under the covers and flicks off the side table light* *stays on his side of the bed, still smiling to himself*

Tsuna: [ turns onto his side, sighing ] G-good night.

Mukuro: *closes his eyes and curls up with one of the pillows, laying on his side and facing Tsuna* Night.

Tsuna: [ inner anguish over the fact that he will most likely not be getting a wink of sleep tonight ]

Mukuro: *isn't going to do anything while Tsuna sleeps obviously since he's tired* *in mere minutes, he's already asleep* *it must be the mattress...*

Tsuna: [ isn't really worried about him doing anything more at this time, but his presence is rather unsettling. rolls over after he assumes Mukuro is asleep and looks at him, pouting ] Stupid Mukuro..

Mukuro: *looks rather innocent when he's asleep--probably the only time when he actually is seemingly innocent*

Tsuna: [ can't help but think he looks rather.. nice right now ] Hn. [ but not when he remembers what Mukuro just did to him earlier-- tries his best to clear his head about those things and get a little bit of sleep at least ]

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