LOG POST: Mukuro and Dino

Aug 25, 2008 06:40

LOG POST: Mukuro and Dino

This is the cutest, sappiest, most ridiculous, nonsensical log ever involving feet and presents. Obviously, it's rated NC-17 for We Like To Make No Sense At 7am content. We're cooler than youuuu because we loggggg at butt o'clock in the moooooorning. :D

Dino: *does not, in fact, get lost in the two-room journey and slips inside, or rather, falls inside, but would liked to have slipped inside gracefully*

Mukuro: *peers over his laptop when he hears footsteps and a quiet crash near his door* You are as classy as ever~. *shuts his laptop and puts it aside, sitting up in his bed* *wearing glasses right now*

Dino: *gets up and brushes off imaginary dirt* Yes, well. I couldn't go and change your whole perception of me, now could I? *looks at the glasses with an eyebrow raised* I like them.

Mukuro: *places his hands behind his head, totally comfortable where he's laying* Oh, of course not~. You couldn't change, though~. *small smile* Thank you~. I wear them sometimes when I'm using my laptop~.

Dino: *flops down on the foot of said bed* No, I really couldn't. Present? *grins*

Mukuro: *stares at him then glances sidelong at the bag on his dresser* *sighs* So demanding~.

Dino: *stares at him and doesn't look at the bag* Oh come on! You said you had a present for me. I want it! *pokes his foot*

Mukuro: *wiggles his toes* I know I said I had a present for you~. What have you done to deserve it, though~?

Dino: *frowns* Oh that's mean, now I have to work for it? Presents are supposed to be just that! Presents! *tickles toes hopefully*

Mukuro: *glares at him, squirming just slightly* *is horribly ticklish, especially on his feet* *trying not to laugh* Nobody said I had to be nice, you know~. I could always--kufufu~! *laughs and squirms a little because omg ticklish*

Dino: *blinks and grins* ...You're ticklish! *tickles the other foot too* Do you want to give me my present or do you want me to keep tickling you?

Mukuro: *looks away, cheeks pink, completely embarrassed* I am not ticklish~! *wiggles his toes, totally unable to stop laughing* And we can just go with Option C which is none of the above~.

Dino: Oh you so are. *tickle tickle, Mukuro! >D* But Option C doesn't give me incentive to stop doing this! *tickles more for the point*

Mukuro: *bites down on his lip, pulling his feet back a bit* *cannot stop laughing and wriggling* You... You're... I should have not invited you here, you Feet Tickler~.

Dino: *grabs the left foot and pulls it back* Oh really, I'm sorry to hear that! But you're stuck with me now, aren't you? *leans down and presses a kiss to the arch of the foot before giving it a nose-nuzzle-tickle* So are you going to give me my present or do I have to hang onto my hostage, here?

Mukuro: *stares at him* ... *his cheeks turn even redder, watching him kiss HIS FOOT* You do realize that nobody touches my feet, right~? *is trying so hard not to laugh or wriggle too*

Dino: Nobody? Really? What does that make me? *smirks and hangs onto it, despite the wriggling* I'll have to make up for their lost attention then! *butterflies kisses all over said foot in the most ticklish way possible*

Mukuro: *sorely tempted to kick him in the face* *watching him with daggers in his eyes* *doesn't think he could blush any harder than he already is* *bites down on his lip, still unable to control the laughing and squirming* You need to stop now~.

Dino: *fighting back his own laughter for other reasons and draws himself up onto the bed, facing Mukuro, still with foot in hand* Stop now? But it's just getting fun! *grabs the big toe and wiggles* This little piggy went to market, *goes through each toe, of course, as the game requires* This little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none and THIS little piggy *grabs hold of the little toe before looking up at Mukuro with an almost evil smirk* went MUKURO MUKURO MUKURO GIVE DINO HIS PRESENT...all the way home.

Mukuro: *tries to wiggle his foot out of Dino's hand, following Dino closely* Oh... god~. You did not just go there~. *tilts his head away, contemplating how he'd like to kill Dino for touching his feet and then tickling him* ... *makes a face as Dino goes through the song, wriggling and biting back a laugh* *glares back so hard at Dino when he gives him that almost evil smirk* You are going to regret doing that~.

Dino: Oh, will I? *grins and crawls up and flops back down on top of Mukuro, head resting on his arms which are crossed on Mukuro's chest* Present? I stopped!

Mukuro: *continues glaring at him until he settles down, FINALLY stopping* *doesn't think his feet could handle much more* No~. *his glare fades into a small smile*

Dino: *shifts up a bit more and kisses him on the lips lightly* Please? *another short kiss* Present? *again* Please?

Mukuro: *doesn't kiss back* *just watches him* *his smile widens, though* No~.

Dino: *pouts before taking hold of his face with both hands and kissing him properly, waiting for a response*

Mukuro: *closes his eyes but resists kissing back* No~. *small chuckle*

Dino: *pulls away and flops back on his chest* Okay, fine. What do I have to do to get my present from you?

Mukuro: *sits up a little, looking down at him* *smiles dangerously* Kufufu~. Oh, now you're going to behave~?

Dino: *sighs dramatically* If I must! though I was having so much fun. *grins despite it all* So?

Mukuro: You were tickling my feet~. *raises an eyebrow* You need to sit up and close your eyes~.

Mukuro: Can you handle that, Di~no~?

Dino: *grins and kisses his cheek before falling sideways off his chest and pulling self into a sitting position* Sure! *closes eyes*

Mukuro: Good~. *slides off the bed, glancing back at him to make sure he doens't peek* *goes over to the bag on his dresser and pulls out a wrapped box* Kufufu~. *crawls up onto the bed, moving behind him with the box* *leans closer to him, brushing hair away so he can whisper in his ear* Are you ready~?

Dino: *grins and fights the urge to peek* Of course I am, I was ready when I fell through your door, you slowpoke!

Mukuro: *laughs* *places a small kiss on Dino's neck and then puts the box in his lap* Go ahead and open it~.

Dino: *grabs the box and twists his head around towards Mukuro* Does that mean I can open my eyes? In the light of me playing by the rules here...

Mukuro: Yes, you can open your eyes~. *sits back a bit, watching him*

Dino: *opens eyes and stares at...a box* Oh look! A box, just what I always wanted! *smirks over his shoulder before proceeding to open said box and find...?*

Mukuro: I know, I know~. I tried really hard when I was buying souvenirs~. *smirks back* *and inside the box is... a very amazing GREEN DINOSAUR SHIRT... the button-up kind*

Dino: *stares at it* *stares at Mukuro* Oh ha ha ha, very funny, Mukuro. Is this supposed to match my boxers? *actually does snicker*

Mukuro: *smirking like a mad man right now* Kufufu~. Yes, it's supposed to match your boxers~. They're even the same color~!

Dino: Thank you for that, I'll be sure to prance around the ship in this shirt, my boxers and a pair of socks just for your entertainment. *rolls eyes* You complete and utter dork

Mukuro: Oh, you're incredibly welcome~. *resting his chin in his hand, watching Dino* I'll take pictures of you in your shirt and boxers and socks and post them on livejournal~. *shrugs a little, rather amused* Hey, I thought I was badass~. *nods to the box* There's something else in there too~.

Dino: Oh I'm sure you will, and then attempt to blackmail me with them later, of course. *laughs* You don't get to be badass when you're buying me a dinosaur-print Hawaiian shirt, Mukuro. *digs underneath the shirt for present part 2?*

Mukuro: *shocked face!* You found out my plan! I imagine Hibari Kyouya would get a kick out of you walking around in your dinosaur boxers and new shirt~. *smirks* *rolls his eyes a little* Only badass people buy dinosaur print Hawaiian shirts, Dino~. Don't be jealous~. *under the shirt, there's a little box*

Dino: *rolls eyes at the entire concept of dinosaur shirts, pictures, and badassness in relation to it* *finds the box* ....Oh look, ANOTHER BOX. It really is my lucky day! Two boxes! What's better than that. *opens?*

Mukuro: *obviously, Dino cannot understand what it MEANS to BE badass* I should have went with a bag if I knew you'd react this way to the boxes~. *sits up* *inside the box is... nothing*

Dino: *cracks up at the nothing* What, but then I'd be disapointed at this box of nothing! As it is, I am quite happy because I have a...box.

Mukuro: *just laughs* You are so dense~. It's not just a box of nothing~. *looks at him*

Dino: *blinks at him* Or you're being obtuse again. *turns the box upside down and shakes it*

Mukuro: *watches him, continuing to laugh* You're completely missing this and it's rather cute~. Kufufu~. *grabs his wrist gently, stopping him from shaking the box*

Dino: Well, at least I'm a cute-dense then? *grins sheepishly and waits for it to be explained to him*

Mukuro: *nods* You are~. Very much so~. *thoughtfully* The shirt doesn't exactly count as a present since I saw it and figured it'd make for wonderful gag gift~. The empy box, however, isn't actually empty~. I had no idea what to get you as a present while I was away--well, I'm not a present giving person anyway--but the point is that, inside that box is... a piece of me that I want you to have and you alone~.

Dino: *blinks* *stares* *slowly grins* Is that why you've been calling me Dino? *scoots closer*

Mukuro: *would rather die than say all that again* What do you think~? *smile*

Dino: I'm thinking yes. *moves hand to the back of his neck and pulls him in* But you know, you absolutely cannot be a sap and be badass. *kisses him BEFORE he can argue*

Mukuro: *moves closer, his smile widening, eyes locked on Dino completely* *this time, he kisses him back without hesitation, his eyes fluttering closed*

Dino: *grins into the kiss, actually Quite Pleased with the world, including the dinosaur shirt*

Mukuro: *places a hand on Dino's neck, weaving his fingers into his hair a little* *kisses him slowly*

Dino: *pulls back a bit* Thank you, Mukuro. I like my presents, a lot.

Mukuro: I'm... glad. *whispers*

Dino: *grins brightly* Even the boxes!

Mukuro: *laughs* I took special care picking out the boxes~. Look at the little box again, though~.

Dino: *fumbles around for the little box, falling backwards* *finds it though* This one? *looks carrrefully* ....Are those pineapples.

Mukuro: *nods, smirking*

Dino: So I get a piece of you in a pineapple box. *grins from his sprawling place* How wonderfully appropriate!

Mukuro: Well, if I was going to give you something, I figured I'd at least be creative about it~. *moves over to him, half leaning, half laying on him*

Dino: And you succeeded in that! *tugs him a bit closer* My own little bit of pineapple. *plays with the pineapple-y part of Mukuro's hair*

Mukuro: Oh god, kindly shut up~. *closes his eyes, leaning on Dino's shoulder now* *letting him play with his hair since it's a mess anyway and he doesn't care and just... it's Dino*

Dino: *snickers a bit* Sorry, I've been annoying, haven't I? *kisses his forehead* I missed you when you were gone. I get to be silly around you more easily.

Mukuro: You're always annoying~. But that's just who you are~. *opens an eye (the blue one) and looks at him* I can tell you missed me~. *eyelash flutter*

Dino: *snuggles down into the bed proper and hugs him* Am I that obvious?

Mukuro: *laughs* You are so obvious, it hurts~. *wraps his arms around him and hugs back*

Dino: *shrugs slightly and buries his nose in Mukuro's hair* Your hair smells a lot better than your feet do.

Mukuro: Are you saying that my feet smell~? *raises an eyebrow, possibly pinching Dino's arm* *pardon, but he takes care of his feet so they should not smell THAT BAD*

Dino: *snickers* No, I'm saying your hair smells nice and your feet smell a bit like, well. Feet, actually. Cute as their ticklishness is.

Mukuro: *pinches him again* I just washed my hair, but thank you~. I use my special shampoo with you in mind since I know you're fascinated with smelling things~. As for my feet, there is a reason why nobody touches them and if you ever touch my feet again, I think I might throw you overboard~. *glances at him, smirking*

Dino: *pauses* Hm. *thinks* You don't say. *hauls him around so that his feet are grabbable because he is Bigger and Older and Stronger (maybe)* These feet? *kisses each toe quickly* Does that make me "Nobody?" *grins so hard*

Mukuro: !!!!* is hauled over* Excuse me--*starts giggling, squirming about, cheeks turning red once again* *looks up at him, glaring* You're an asshole is what you are~.

Dino: An asshole that likes your feet? *one kiss each before releasing them* And you, actually. All three are cute and with hidden surprises. Foot the left, foot the right, and Mukuro the whole. So I'm an asshole with decent taste, I think!

Mukuro: *is going to murder Dino after this* *wriggles his feet, still sorta stuck in weird position* I will kick you in the face if you d-do-- *bursts out laughing because oh god so, so ticklish* *wriggles and squirms* S-Stop it!

Dino: I stopped, I stopped! *grins like a FIEND* Ticklish feet. *tugs him into a cuddle/hug thing on his lap* Strangely cute, Mukuro. Strangely cute. I'll add that to my list of things about you to remember. *winks*

Mukuro: *was about to chuck a pillow at him* *lets out a sigh of relief* *gets pulled into his lap and he stares hard at him* You have a list of things about me~?

Dino: Of course I do! You're not an easy person to figure out. Lists are necessary. *kisses his temple* You don't mind, do you?

Mukuro: *blinks* Trying to unravel me slowly by making lists, hm~? Kufufu~. *playing with Dino's shirt* *shrugs a little* Not particularly~. It's a bit odd, but... you're odd, so I shouldn't be surprised~.

Dino: I'm good at lists. *shrugs* And getting sleepy and looking forward to a night possibly not spent on the floor? *looks at Mukuro hopefully*

Mukuro: *wants to see these lists now* *studies him* Oh, but the floor is so comfortable! *smirk*

Dino: Says the one who doesn't perpetually fall out of bed! *mock horrified look* Really though, it's all wel and good on its own, but rather hurts when sleeping becomes a close-contact sport with the floor. The floor likes to win. *grimaces* So do I get to stay?

Mukuro: *laughs* The floor is trying to show you who's boss~. *runs a hand through Dino's hair, letting it trail down his neck* *grins* You can stay~.'

Dino: *leans into the hand* Yes, and it's been winning despite the truth of the situation. *yawns and smiles a bit* Oh good. A good night's sleep. *kisses him slowly and gently before settling down to sleep* And a goodnight kiss too.

Mukuro: *reaches behind and grabs a blanket* Well, it won't win tonight~. *smiles back, leaning into the kiss, enjoying its slowness, gentleness* *grabs a blanket and settles down beside him* You make no sense, Dino~. *smiles*

Dino: *grins back as he's drifting off* I make perfect sense to me. You're the illogical one. *eyes close contentedly*

Mukuro: *laughs quietly, closing his eyes* Goodnight.

Dino: *mumbles almost unintelligibly* Sweet dreams, pineapple.

Mukuro: *leans over and whacks him in the head* *sleepy-ish grin*

Dino: *sleeps on!*

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