Partiarchy must die.

Jun 09, 2009 13:04

Patriarchy does not only presents a male domination over women, but is, in fact, the reason for slavery, feudal systems, capitalism, communism, war. They in fact plant a seed of superiority of the human, male and preferably white (in North America, Europe), Jewish (Israel, USA) or of any ethnicity commonly present in that geographical area!
If you study further into politics, you will see that the history of almost entirely the whole world is based on that division and the consequences that mentality had brought into human race.
It is true that things begin by the woman and the man, if any unbalance is introduced into the formula, as to which one is superior over the other - ideology will spread across border, with the stronger dominating the weaker and the animal world installing.

If we truly are a superior race - then why aren’t we behaving on a different scale? Rather than introducing law of the Jungle into the laws of reason, we should see the world in a long term global perspective and realize that each human contribution matters for the overall survival. Then - it is truly when we will see the meaning of each life within the all and will be able to perceive ourselves as superior race.
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