
Jun 13, 2011 21:58

(TRIGGER WARNING. This meme deals heavy with death and also possibly with strong violence or with suicide/depression. If you are not comfortable reading about that, please PLEASE do not proceed further.)



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1 ....w...hat. notlikethemovie June 14 2011, 07:23:27 UTC
[She was quiet when she wanted to be, silent as a shadow as she slipped into the room with her worn out satchel slung over her shoulder. Mika was resigned to it in a way that meant she was either internalizing it or the shock would not wear off until much later. Yet she had long since come to terms with the fact that life was unfair. Vicious and cruelly unfair. There were no words for the way the world treated her and the ones she cared the most deeply for.

Tragedy was not it. Misfortune was hardly apt.

She watched Ema for a while, pausing to study her face before the girl noticed her. The way the light highlighted her hair and gave the rich brown an almost golden tone. The look on Ema's face was one she recognized all too easily. One she'd worn for at least a year. Something tied to nothing but bitter memories. It was frustrating to see Ema trapped here, but Mika knew that it was the best place for her if anything should go wrong. She trusted the nursing staff here, and if they messed up she was going to tear this building to the ground with her bare hands.

Huffing softly to put those thoughts out of her mind, Mika pushed them aside. Right now she was here to cheer up one of her favorite nerds, as best she could.

It was easy to hijack one of the wheeled stools they kept floating around these rooms for the staff and drag it over to Ema's bed. She sank onto it, propping her elbow up on the bedside rail as she leaned forward.]

Hey, you.

[The words were soft, and she smiled and wagged her tail as she reached out to brush her knuckles across Ema's brow, her claws combing the girl's bangs aside so she could get a good look at her face. Mika wanted to remember it as best as she could.]

I brought you something. Want to see?


...well. OKAY THEN! glowing_science June 14 2011, 07:49:27 UTC
[As far as the five stages of death go, Ema's been all over the place ever since her diagnosis. Mostly, she's been angry, although depression and even a surreal sense of denial haven't been unheard of. Exactly two people have been able to break through Ema's mood swings, even if only for short periods of time. The first is Lana, Ema's only remaining family and dearest friend in the world. The other is Mika, to whom she'd given her heart ages ago.

In response to the warm greeting and claws in her hair, Ema allows herself to smile. It doesn't quite reach her eyes, but it's a much better attempt than she's given most of her other visitors lately. Mika's caught her on a sad day (as opposed to an angry one).]


Is it food? The food here is terrible.

[Her attempt at humor is just like her attempt at smiling--it almost hits its mark, but ends up falling just short of actually getting there.]


sob she has no neutral expressions notlikethemovie June 14 2011, 07:58:47 UTC
Possibly. Lemme look into my magical bag of holding and find out.

[She put on a playful air of ignorance as she flipped up her satchel's flap and began rummaging in it. Looking everywhere but in the bag, she made a show of shuffling through its contents before she grabbed the package she'd known was in there and gave it a good shake. It was the distinct sound of a bag of snackoos, which Mika pulled out with a flourish before offering it to Ema.]

Tah-dah~! Next time I'll try smuggling in a whole meal. If you have anything you want, I'll bring it.

[She was suspiciously good at smuggling food these days, and had often been notorious for bringing Chinese takeout into movie theaters or bottled drinks and cameras into concerts. The fact that she was never without her bag and oftentimes a hoodie as well had plenty to do with it. After all, one should never pass up the opportunity to have a good meal.

Pulling out another item from her bag, Mika went quiet as she peeled a sticker off a fresh pear and produced a hand-carved knife of polished bone to slice it with. The slices were placed on the nearest food tray, and she kept only one for herself. Ema looked like she needed them more than she did anyway.]


it's okay, she's making a SUPER DUPER EFFORT to be happy for Ema? ;; glowing_science June 14 2011, 08:41:41 UTC
[And this is part of the reason why Ema loves Mika as much as she does. She has a wonderfully playful sense of humor and the uncanny ability to have exactly what's necessary in that bag of hers. In s different context, Ema might have given the playful ignorance a good-natured eyeroll and a put-on sigh--Ema's the more serious of the two--but lately she's simply allowed herself to enjoy it. In a world consisting of white walls and stainless steel, any break of routine is something to be cherished.

Also, it allows her to eat real food. Ema takes several grateful bites of pear before responding.]

I'll have to think about what I want, then. I have to enjoy whatever food you can bring now, before...

[And there goes whatever facade of a good mood Ema's capable of keeping up. She goes quiet, staring down at her half-eaten pear and still-unopened bag of Snackoos.]


Yes! Always. notlikethemovie June 14 2011, 18:16:05 UTC
Dooon't even start.

[She pursed her lips and her teeth clenched as she made one of those odd little noises that were distinctly inhuman. A chastising little 'aroo' that was quiet enough that only she and Ema would hear it. Rolling up her battered notebook in one hand, she gently swatted Ema on the head.]

None of that. If nothing else I'll just bring you something different every day. I could make you cookies next time as well as bring you takeout? What would you like?

[Mika's special of double chocolate and butterscotch chip was nothing to sniff at, but if there was something specific Ema wanted, she'd find a way to sneak it in. If she needed to, she'd ask Ema's other friends for help as well as her own. No matter how pricey it might get, Mika honestly didn't care. Bringing Ema a taste of home was more than worth the effort.

Besides, even if she didn't like to think about it, just short of a miracle she was quite possibly running out of time to spoil Ema rotten.]


Re: Yes! Always. glowing_science June 15 2011, 02:26:52 UTC
[Ema winces a little at the swat. It doesn't hurt, but... well, it sends a clear message. Mika wants Ema to be happy in her last months and will tolerate no less.

The few tears that have already fallen are quickly wiped away as Ema tries to pull herself together.] S-sorry. It's just... [No. Mika cares and sympathizes--which is more than she could have asked for--but expecting her to understand what Ema's going through is just unfair.] You're right. Honestly, you and Lana are like a tag-team of trying to keep my spirits up.

You know what kind of cookies I want. [Mika's specialty is her specialty for a reason, after all.]


notlikethemovie June 15 2011, 03:19:12 UTC
It sucks and it's not fair, I know.

[She rubs the tears away with her knuckle, then leans over to rub her forehead against Ema's. A long time ago there had been a time where Mika would have understood Ema's position very clearly, as she'd had less than a week to live. Yet that place was much, much different than this place, and Mika would cling to the thought that one day might bring a miracle.

Maybe for once there would be a happy end.

At that she huffed, her tail wagging as her wry smile cracked the gloomy mask that had settled onto her, her fangs gleaming.]

Well, somebody has to bring the sunshine in around here, right?

Alright, I promise. If I could I'd bring them while they're still hot, too. [Nuzzling Ema's bangs, Mika plants a soft kiss on her brow.]


glowing_science June 15 2011, 06:19:10 UTC
[Oh, Mika. Ema wishes she doesn't have to leave her girlfriend behind--she's been through enough without adding this to it. She deserve better.

They both do.

Taking several breaths to calm herself down (with some much-appreciate help from Mika's affection), Ema nods. Where would she be right now without Mika's relentless attempts to keep her spirits high?]

I'm glad that you do. I... need sunshine. A lot of it.

Hold on.

[She pulls away from Mika and fiddles with the controls for her bed, eventually figuring out how to lower the rail on the edge of the bed. Once that's accomplished, she scoots to the far edge of the bed and pats the empty space next to her.]

Just be careful of the wires.


notlikethemovie June 17 2011, 04:58:56 UTC
I always have been.

[She's quick to ease onto the bed beside her, snuggling up to Ema and burying her nose in the girl's hair behind her ear. Breathing in Ema's smell, it's not quite right but it's enough to make her feel more comfortable. Also it allows her to snuffle obnoxiously in Ema's ear.]

They'll at least let you outside a little, won't they?


glowing_science June 20 2011, 04:51:10 UTC
[Ema smiles, cuddling in and even managing a small chuckle when Mika snuffles her hair.]

Yeah, they will. There are outdoor areas of the campus where I can go during free hours. The sunshine and fresh air will do me good, they say. Keep... keep my spirits up.

Like you're doing right now. I'd be so lost without you.


notlikethemovie June 21 2011, 05:04:27 UTC
Hey, at least I can say I'm good for something useful, right?

[She nibbles affectionately on Ema's ear, mock-growling like a puppy.]

And of course the sunshine will do you good. Sneak in a nap out there if you can, it'll be perfect. Well, sort of. If I have to maybe I could kidnap you somehow. But only if it gets really, really desperate. Kidnapping is a last-resort measure, after all. I try to kidnap you too often, they'll kick me out and never let me back in. Then what'll I do? Sit outside and yowl until they cave? Hmmm.

[She put on her Serious Thinking Face, which was overly dramatically serious, her bottom lip jutting out as she stroked her chin like a theater villain.]


glowing_science June 24 2011, 06:40:20 UTC
[Ema hums softly in response to the affectionate nibbles, squirming a bit in place.] You're good for a lot of things, Mika. Not necessarily kidnapping, though; they'd be pretty upset. And so would I, when they stop letting you in.

[Sighing a little, Ema lays her head on Mika's shoulder.] I need you to be here. Even if they don't let you in, I will.


notlikethemovie June 24 2011, 06:53:19 UTC
Don't worry, I'd get somebody to stuff me in their luggage and wheel me in or something. [She rests her head on Ema's, relaxing more now that they were having an almost normal conversation.] But you're right, I'd be a pretty horrible kidnapper, wouldn't I?

[She huffs as if suddenly realizing something, peering down at her girlfriend without really moving.] Man, you know what this means? I am going to have to get seriously creative about taking you out on dates, now.


glowing_science June 24 2011, 06:59:25 UTC
There really aren't 'dates' in a hospital, just visitations... [Ema's mood dims slightly at the clarification. Mika's cheer is making a difference, but Ema still has her moments of depression.

It's frustrating--as many times as she's been saved, as many times as she's been helped, she's going to die like this. Useless, unable to repay their kindness or even pay it forward. It's not fair.]

Not that I'm not happy to have you here. But... dates are a thing of the past.


notlikethemovie June 24 2011, 07:02:54 UTC
Oh what a lie, I'll think of something! [She scoffs, unwilling to be deterred even in the face of harsh reality. As if all the years of struggling with it have finally taken their toll and left Mika's delusions of normality to take the reigns in the face of this sudden and overwhelming despair.

Either that or she had simply had enough of spending her life being completely depressed.]

I'll think of something, don't worry. [With a soft huff, she kisses the top of Ema's head, her tail thumping against the bedding as it wagged.]


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