This is just a background for now, it looks interesting. The background I want is from the site that I got this background from; with the exception of some technical difficulties. Very Illusional and abstractish background, Don't you think? That is if you can see the background lol. Actually I been going through problems. Somtimes the background shows; other times it doesn't.
You know how I got that sunburn? Well It got worse. :'( I cannot move it hurts to much. My whole back and front chest is red and part of my upper thigh is red. It is getting better now since I put Aloe Vera on. Advice: Wear a high sunscreen with a higher spf of 4. Whoever thought of an spf of 4 is a Sun Proof Fag lol..Jenn and Gill. Yeah I'll update this later. Bye folks
Interesting.. Argument with family with the car. I'm going to Florida. Wow horoscopes rock :-D
illusionalmind's LJ stalker is sw3etxlove!sw3etxlove is stalking you because they think you are rich and they want your blingbling. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom Jen M? My stalker? LOL!