Norway Legacy 4.4

Jan 03, 2011 18:35

Last time:
- Jacob made over a vampire. The vampire wasn't pleased. But Jacob still somehow got promoted.
- A trampoline and hot tub were added to the front yard of the house. They were both well appreciated.
- Maja gave birth to twins: a girl named Vanja and a boy named Alfred.
- A creepy butler was hired. But it made the legacy a buttload more interesting.
- Sam and Kai kept improving their relationship, albeit with some stumbling blocks. They also canoodled in the hot tub. Maja and Jacob canoodled in the hot tub, too.
- Jacobine aged to a child, and got the family kleptomania trait.
- Soon after, the new babies aged to bald toddlers. Maja laughed at their baldness. I fixed it so she would stop making fun of them.

Jacobine: ...and that's what I learned in our sex ed class today!
Jacob: That's... nice, honey. :D......... D:
Ah, nothing like coming in at a really bad time! :D

Kai: Okay, kid, I know I'm supposed to be teaching you to eat your vegetables and shit. But I have a more important matter to tell you about.

Kai: The media.
Al: ...Meeeeeeeatia?

Kai: If you're going to be the grandson of a big gungho criminal such as myself, you have always watch your reputation. And preferably become a criminal yourself.
Al: Otay! :D

Jacobine: They said in our sex ed class were going to talk about "the birds and the bees" at school later on... but could you tell me right now??? These must be some interesting birds and bees if they are talking about them so much.
Jacob: Errrr...
Kai from behind the counter: And if they don't like what you think, give them the finger!

Jacobine: Jeez, doesn't the maid ever pick up her garbage? Is she some malfunctioning robot or something?
MechaCamilla: Damn, she's onto me!

Jacobine: So, Mommy, I think we need someone who knows how to clean shit up correctly! :D
Maja: Watch your language, young lady!
Camilla: I can't let the truth about me spread like this! The day of annihilation shall be moved closer to today...

Kai: Weee! Jacobine, come out here and jump with me!
Jacobine: *somehow hears from the kitchen* Okay! :)

Jacobine and Kai: **JUMP JUMP JUMP**

Kai: Just stay there and I'll launch you.
Jacobine: Okay...?

Kai: The hell? How much weight have you gained??
Jacobine: >:[

Oh, by the way, I downloaded new default skin. The old one was too shiny and the abs looked too painted on. This is a lot more smoother, matte, and realistic. Yes, Maja's makeup is gone. I had to redo it.

Maja's new makeup.

This is how the new skin looks on Kai.

Jacobine: *grumble* Stupid dirty people I live with, stupid crying toddlers.... ugh. My life is so hard.

Camilla: Yes, yes, I will poison their food. Today is the day!!! Muhahahaha!!!
Kai: Um...

Kai: What are you laughing at?
Camilla: The batter makes me think of this funny joke I heard. "Why did the batter cross the road?... To become pancakes on the sidewalk!" Muhahahahahaha!!
Kai: ....That is the worst joke I've ever heard. I'm just going to keep upgrading the dishwasher.
Today, we have learned that evil killer robots must never tell jokes.

Jacob looks awfully happy after falling on his ass. And if you land from really high, wouldn't that break your butt? Ow...

Word gets around fast with Jacob falling on his butt on the trampoline, apparently. >.>

And soon after Maja finds out she's pregnant! You would think this is from gossiping about her husband, but I get the feeling other things were involved in causing her condition. >.>

Maja and Jacob decide they both want another boy.

And I thought I was a bad vegetarian. This happened multiple times. Whenever the butler makes something, everyone in the house is cued to eat it, regardless of how hungry they are or what the food is. So Maja, the family vegetarian, always ends up eating meat. Fail.

Jacob: Okay, Vanja, when you grow up, this is how to find the perfect guy. One: make sure they buy you your favorite flowers whenever you demand it.

Jacob: And make sure you have a beautiful, white smile. That will pull in all the guys.
Vanja: Smile! :)

Jacob: Oh, and stay away from coffee. It just will stain your white smile. Brush your teeth at least three times a day.

There were some points where this pregnancy wasn't agreeing with Maja.

There was a time everyone wanted to see Oslo's ghost. I guess because it hasn't came out in a while. >.>

Maja apparently thought she could lure his ghost out by playing his old guitar.

Meanwhile, Jacob was just channeling teenage Kai.

Meanwhile Sam drinks from the bar. Again.
Sam: Ah, I'm all alone.

Sam: Just me and my drink. This is nice.

Backyard hay bales: D: *would like a nice swig of spirits - it's not easy being a pile of hay*

Vanja play table spam:

Aww, happy baby. Or maybe she's happy I'm done taking pictures of her.

I at first thought that Al was being swarmed with flies because he was dirty for too long. o.o

Luckily, it was only the high chair that was like that.

Sam: How the hell did this happen? Did I barf on this when I was drunk and didn't remember for a month?

Sam: There, glad that cleaning is done! :D
Camilla: The elder has taken over cleaning? Are they mocking me, saying an old man has more skills than me? Fools!

Sam: Wow, this telescope can see until the other end of town! I can see into other people's townhouses! That's r...what the fuck is that???????

Kai: Weee!!! Oh, hi Sam! Didn't see you there.
Sam: Warn me before you jump on the trampoline while I'm looking through the telescope, please. I saw my life flash before my eyes for a few seconds.

I didn't even recognize Jacob in the tub for a second because he has much different hair when he's not in the bath. I thought a complete stranger had broken into the house. >.>

Kai: You doing one of those trendy diets like they have on those reality shows?
Maja: What are you talking about?

Kai: You just ate a hamburger.
Maja: Oh for fuck sake...

Camilla: I am succeeding in teaching them all a lesson!!! I will take down the heir Maja, who will vomit to death, then the rest of the household. After they are all dead, I will have the house to myself! And then I'll sell it after I remodel it and the housing market improves. And do it all again with another family! Muahhahaahahahahahhaahhahahahahhahaahhaha!!!

Camilla: Hello Master Kai. I see you are "improving" another household object. Is this one of your so-called "hobbies"?
Kai: *grunt* I... *grunt*... guess?

Camilla: Well, Master Kai, you are an interesting character. It would be a shame something happened to you, or even your daughter.
Kai: *pauses in upgrading sink* What is that supposed to mean?
Camilla: Ahem, excuse me. Do you want cyn... er... blea... blue...berries in your pancakes, Master Kai?
Kai: I hate blueberries. Just put some grapes in like usual. Jacobine was right about you. *sigh*
Camilla: No problem, Sir. *grumble grumble*

Very small spam of pregnant!Maja playing foozball:


Yes, Camilla and Jacobine share a room. I didn't know Camilla would be so creepy when I made this arrangement, but I"m too lazy to change it. Nothing shady has happened... yet.

As you have may have noticed, Kai has become quite the repairman. But he's more upgrading stuff instead of fixing it constantly like his father did in his cheap house. He even accomplished his wish to upgrade five objects.

All right, Sam! One more promotion until you're on top of medical career!

Sam: That girl has the worst name in the history of ever.
I agree. "La-Teesha Situp"? WTF?

Politician Dude: Ooo, a cute old guy I can have an affair with! I'm in love.

This is why he was meeting up with Jeffery, aka Politician Dude. It was in a sequence of opportunities for the hospital.

Apparently talking to him for the opportunity made Sam a celebrity. Jeffery had two stars or something.

Sam: Yay, I'm a celebrity now! Thanks, Jeff!
Jeffery: No problem, my lovely Asian boy. So lovely... *strokes hair*
Sam: Uh... I think I need to get back home. To my husband. Who likes to beat up people because he has a horrible temper. Yes.

Right afterward, this happens. :o

Maja: Oh... oh god. I know this feeling...

Maja: No toilet babies, please!!! This isn't "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"!

Jacob was supposed to drive, but things got fucked up and Maja ended up going alone. And I couldn't fix it. Damnit. Oh well, Maja is a tough cookie.

Maja: When I'm back from the hospital, Jacob and I are going to "chat" about how he should be there for the birth of his child!

Meet Nils. Grumpy like his grandpa.

Nils is the baby boy that Maja and Jacob both wanted, at least.

Soon after the birth, Jacobine rolled her lifetime wish. Yeah! First one of the generation! She's going to be a little nerd! Yay!

In the same exciting night, the debut of ghost Jeannie! So much going on!

She went straight outside and jumped on the trampoline. (I swear that thing is the most popular with the adults and elders, not the kids.)

Ghost!Jeannie: I wish we had this trampoline when I was alive!
Camilla: What the... am I seeing a white, sparkly human on the trampoline? Has someone fried my circuits? Let me just take out this garbage and deny this ever happened.

Jacobine went up to her grandma who died when she was very small.
Jacobine: Hi Grandma! Nice to finally talk to you! :)

I bet it was Jeffery. He has his ways.

Aww. Sad moodlet.

Kai: I just don't get any respect!
Kai, stop impersonating Rodney Dangerfield.

Kai: Fine, I'll just continue with my new hobby: mixology!

Kai: Just pour this in here...

Kai: Then pour this into here... voila! *gulps down*

Kai: I don't think I did that right. :s Let me try that again...

Kai: Throw this bottle up and oh shit I didn't catch that. D:

Jacob makeover time!

You don't need a makeover! Your outfit is already badass! But I gave her three new everyday outfits anyways.

Everyday outfit #1.

Everyday outfit #2.

Everyday outfit #3. Obviously inspired by her first original outfit that I already liked.

Girl: I am one hot motherfucker! :D
Jacob: Of course! You were made over by me! :)

I was bored and madeover the other two people who work in the salon/tattoo parlor. Here is tattoo guy getting made over.

Jacob: This is the shit you're wearing outside of work? Hell no.

Holy eyelashes Batman. I haven't even seen a WOMAN in the game with extreme eyelashes like that. Whoa.

Mucchhhhh better.

Tattoo guy: Maybe my chest will take the focus off my unusually long eyelashes for once!

Next person, the other makeover person in the building. I think her name is Maura.

She was already pretty, she just needed some more edge, is all.

This was her formal wear. o.O

Not like my new formal wear for her was much more normal. >.>

Back at home, I find out that Kai and Camilla literally do dislike each other. Their relationship is like, -25. This will be interesting. I know it's just going to get worse.

Kai: Come on toilet, cooperate with my new power washer!
I can see Kai becoming the new Tim Taylor at this point.

I think this was Jeffery again. Or someone Jeffery hired to see if he could frame Sam for cheating on Kai.

But Sam is wise and says no, and it apparently it was a good idea to do so!

He also gets this moodlet as a result. O...kay?

And why are you suddenly interested in vampires, Jacobine?

Oh, because you brought one home from school. Heh. Meet Belisama Hemlock, guys.

Belisama: *sniff, turns around* Is that lobster? I like sea creature delicassen.
Camilla: Glad you do, my dear. I am here to serve. What a weird girl. She has glowing eyes and yellow skin. Is she another type of robot?

Jacobine: Are we all just going to stand here dramatically like a Lost ad or actually serve the lobster?

Belisama: You have a lovely house, Jacobine.
Jacobine: Thank you! *plus plus*

Belisama: My house is all dark and shit. It isn't as nice as yours. You are so lucky for being normal.
Jacobine: Uhh... *feels awkward*

I don't know what wish is more awkward - to go skinny dipping with your dad or to romantically kiss your son-in-law. Poor Sam is the victim of REALLY creepy wishes. At least I make them not act on those wants.

And I guess she's barfing out her BRAIN along with THE MEAT SHE SHOULDN'T BE EATING because she ate meat AGAIN. I think Camilla is onto something. Death by barfing AND stupidity.

We have a ridiculous amount of food. And what are renoit grapes? Some fancy-ass grapes?

Last upgrade of the update.

Kai: Woo! I think that's the fifth thing I've updated! I'm going to relax now.

Kai: Ah, this is nice. <3

The Botanist's Ball? That is so nerdy and adorable. I would date someone who attends Botanist's Balls! I would be their date! :)

Yes, that's his formalwear. Yes, he's wearing leopard print pants.

And yes, I kept them during the makeover because I found them to be awesome.

Botanist dude: I'm going to be the hottest botanist there! Thanks, Jacob! :D
Jacob: What the hell is a botanist? Does it have to do with botulism?

Maja paints for the first time in a million years, even though her job is technically as a freelance painter. Oh well. She technically also has her own hours.

Yay, only four more levels to go for the first half of her LTW to be complete! (The other half is to get her guitar skill to level 10.)

Ah, the traditional first day of school Pile of Permission Slips quest. I think it's a child's rite of passage or something in every Sims 3 town.

After dropping off the permission slips, Jacobine sneaks around and finds this view.
Jacobine: Wow... this swimming pool is awesome!

Jacobine: Cowabunga!!!!! *splash*

Then she goes home after swimming to eat some Goopy Carbonara. That sounds like an amazing day to me. I definitely will do it once the pool at my house opens again. And when I learn to make Goopy Carbonara.

We conclude this update by showing that Jacob got a promotion! He goes to on-calls now instead of going to just that same building constantly!

OMG. I feel so horrible for this being so late. I don't know how much I can update, but I think my weekends and weeknights should be fairly free-ish. I start at a brand new school tomorrow (yes, we start on Tuesday, I have no idea why) so I'll see what happens. But I get the feeling I won't be as busy as I was when I was in school before, thankfully. The commuting should make me study while I'm actually at school and make me procrastinate less. I hope.

I already have pictures for all or almost all of 4.5. I will get to those straight away.

Hope you guys enjoyed the (long-delayed) update! :)

<3 illusion_sims

legacy, norway, sims 3

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