Oct 18, 2005 13:08
so, i stepped into the festival today just to see what was in for ragtime already, made me a little sad..
I miss it... i really do, there's no escaping it... it made me wonder about if I am actually going to suceed as a designer or will I just be another pawn in the production machine, if that.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, its great money and great people and a fun job... its just not what I see myself as. A lot of my friends/peers/fuck-if-I-actually know/ were stagehands at the Green Day concert last night, I was on a union call too tho' - I really can't complain with 20 bucks an hour for rolling out carpet and vacumning it and taping it down for some trade show. It was nice to not be at the concert, but also not ya know. Maybe its I'm Nuttered out for a bit after Saturdays' beaver gala. I just wish I actually had that money right now, I'm kinda impaitent sometimes. But overall, i need to budget and save more instead of spending so freely.
um.. class... about that........ I got my script analysis paper back, wow- that paper sucked big..... I got a C on it, and I need to do a lot more with it, I noticed tons of ugly mistakes and statements that I didn't make right and of course, the lack of theme, structure, and such from the play. I had to take a psych lab quiz today, which I went huh, scantron! damn!, it wasn't bad... I just wish i had actually reviewed those modules and such. Tomorrow I have a soc test, which I will prolly fail horribly since I haven't read the book or gone to class or even downloaded the notes. So tonight, after I see Keri, I study.... lots of cramming. today in psych lab, we learned about personality and such and I made a resolution.
~ ONE DAY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
****Things to do*****
make sure that I go to EVERY class, study ,read, not feel like I've wasted my college time, enjoy myself and time with keri,work on my NW music class ( not such a fan of online classes, maybe I just lack discipline, weird how things have changed since HS)
- I'm not gonna let this get away from me - I've goofed off enough in my life, its about time I grow up and be an adult. I know I can do it, just if you notice me slipping, give me a gentle (or not-so-gentle)reminder......... kay, thanks: The Management
In other news, I finally got Angels In America.. the DVD version thing ....... finally...... and I love it, It's amazing......freakin' amazing..... still haven't finished Millenuim Approaches but damn!...... now, I wanna read it again...... 'cause that time in Theatre History/Lit didn't really count. I think I may be in love with Mary-Louise Parker, such amazing roles she's done...... wow! So because of that, I leave you with this quote:
Harper: You mean like no Eskimo in Antarctica.
Mr. Lies: Correcto. Ice and snow, no Eskimo. Even hallucinations have laws.
Harper: Well then who's that?
Mr. Lies: [surprised] An Eskimo.
and I lied, here's one more...........
Harper Pitt: So when we think we have escaped the unbearable ordinariness and well... untruthfulness of our lifes it's really all in the same ordinariness and falseness rearranged into the appearance of novelty and truth. Nothing unknown is knowable.