Well, I finally made time to do a print run of the Celtic Heart I designed earlier in the week. I drew it free hand using the carbon pen supplied with the machine. However, next time I am going to prepare the design digitally and print with a laser printer. The design incorporated strong clean lines and I tried to keep it as unfussy as possible, going for a bold and dynamic design.
It went extremelly well, and out of a print run of approx 55 sheets of cartridge, I would say only about six are not good enough to sell. I followed all the tips and advice I had gleaned from various blogs and tutorials and they helped enormously. I remembered to add the foam strip around the design, and this helped to keep the ink directly onto the image and thus maintain and even spread and a good print. However, sadly, yet again the screen did not surive. The PVA I painted onto the frame did not protect it, and water did soak into the screen and ruin it (perhaps I should not have tried to clean it under the tap?). In hindsight, I think I should have tried to remove as much of the excess ink from the screen as I could before I tried to clean it.
I would love, nay NEED to hear from other Gocco afficianados on how they clean their screens. Luke seems to think that most people bag up their screens, including the ink, keep them in the fridge and just add more ink when doing another print run. However, I know for a fact that some people have been able to clean the screens sufficiently to be able to not only use a different colour ink for another run, but even re-fire them.
Where can I buy one?
Oh, and they are now on sale in my shop:
Art4Sale and