Aug 03, 2011 21:59
So I've told Durdanios the truth about why I keep hiding behind the books so much. He took it.... well he still loves me. Yet I cant' help but feel worried over the look in his eyes. It troubles me that he may not be okay with the idea of losing me. I dont' think my life will end any sooner then any other Blood Elf but I know it's significantly shorter.
I changed jobs again this time into more of a researchers job for the Crimson Illuminati regiment. I like it better pay and more free time to look up all the information I can absorb. I feel ...... fulfilled. I think as soon as I'm done helping Commander Illu'noir with that potion she was looking for, I'm going to go request a little time off for myself, be more available for Durdanios. I know he moved recently. I'll bring him a house warming gift and an portal under Vynirin to get some alone time with him.
Or maybe I'll just craft Durdanios a Runestone to hearth himself to my place. I should bring him back to Outlands to one of my favorite spots I think. Get him away from all the madness and just have some alone time.
I..... also need to see Tandem. He and I have a lot to talk about.