Jan 18, 2005 12:02
hopefully ill put this in an LJ cut later but im stupid and i forgot how to do that.
k so i had a fucked up zombie dream O_O.
it was really weird i think like... i got all my friends at my house... but at first it was just me and taylor.. and buddy my former babysitter's son whos like a freshmen now. and i had like a bag of weapons straight outta GTA San Andreas. i was holding the sawedoff shotgun. and buddy had gotten bitten and theback yard was clear so were like ..u kno wut we have to do n he agreed teary-eyed and he sat on my back porch and taylor and i aimed and fired a few rounds but only injured him which i dano made me feel really bad? lol...but so yea then i popped him in the head n he died...then there was like 3 more zombies outside n we shot them all n just left the bodies in the backyard even though we were like...shit that might attract more..but yea... so taylor showed me that she had gotten bitten..but she was ok.. and i was like..how long ago.. n she sed about noon. and this point it was about 1130pm so i was like..u got about a half hour..and she laughed n light a cig n sed "i know" n i dont kno wut happened to her but she disappeared..
then i remember being in my car driving around watching these zombies just stumble around lookin for people to kill n stuff. n i called jay n luke n they were still alive. woohoo! so i told them to grab ne weapons they had n get in my car which they did. but on the way back i stopped in front of this house n i was like hmm...n ran out into this huge house kinda by mine and there was an old lady inside by a table n she was like EEEEK! and then i killed her... and took all her money from her purse n ran back to my car. i think i got atleast 70 bucks \m/ lol. then i get this call on my cell and i look and the numbers are familiar but it sed "JOEL" whom i havent talked to in forever but i looked at it again and it sed "JOE8" and i guess that was spozd to be Joey? cuz it was him on the phone ..and of course he was calling to "hang out" that day but i was like uh its not safe? theres zombies everywhere? he just wanted sex ne ways..
so this is where it gets confusing. my dream like...switched n we were in some crazy industrial type building that was...school? n i saw anthony urso there w/his jolly self. heh. i patted him on the head n walked away i cant remember ne thing else about that part besides walking up these black iron stairs w/a lot of people...but then it went back to my other setting in my dream and me, sam, and jay, n luke went to taco bell cuz i had money hooray... but it was a really fucked up place... we parked n went inside but u had to squeeze thru these tall slim entryways to get to the place to order. and there were all these little kids running around which i didnt trust n i kicked a few in the head. we saw Erin there and i was like...ew.. n squeezed my fatass thru n ordered n me n sam left. n got back to my house. we didnt kno where jay n luke went until they finally called n i went to go pick them up. we got back and kevin and bass were on their way as well.
i remember being on the phone at the side of my house w/taylors mom.. and i asked if she had seen her..n she sed she [taylor] had taken a buncha things [meaning drugs] and just left and never came back [i guess this was over a couple days later] and i felt really bad cuz she didnt even kno wut happened to her daughter n she was kinda mad cuz she thot she just left, like..ran away..but yea i didnt have a weapon and i turn around to see like 5 dark figures and i was like AAAAH SHIT. and ran to the back door n pushed it shut but some big motherfucker was pushing it open. it was a group of boys. i recognized like..one face n it was a brother of this guy i kno..n they were all zombies but it was different cuz they could talk n shit. so like that big fucker is pushing harder and im like aaaahh DAD HELP ME n all of a sudden my dads in the kitchen? even tho my family hadnt been in this dream all along? and hes like uhh no.. "so ur just gonna let me get bitten" n hes like yea pretty much. so i was like WTF?!n that big fucker slid thru but i was able to lock the door behind him so the rest couldnt get in...so this big zombie guy is starin me down right in front of my microwave for those of u who have been in my house. but out of no where i grab this HUGE knife n stab him in the torso.. and it didnt even get him THAT bad but it pierced the microwave which turned on and fried him. and i was kinda just like..uh..ok...
the last part didnt have my point of view at all. it was that group that i had locked out. they were talking about how they should like...rape me... and create a new species stronger immortal blah blah..n they were like laughin n shit ...n a few of them looked like guys from SUBURBIA. i dont kno if ne one else had seen that movie but yea i have...so yea..