...Oh lord.

Jun 23, 2010 12:15

So, like, about two weeks ago, I said something that could be seen as racist - I called Luke Cage (an African-American character from Marvel Comics) an ape. An "overgrown, juvenile ape" to be exact. And I was reprimanded in the comments. My defense? I didn't mean it.

Today, I read about an author (who I won't name, although some will most likely know who I am talking about) who had written a J2 Big Bang fic...about the earthquake in Haiti, only a few days or so after it happened. Holy using a disaster for your porn fic, Batman! Apparently, it was also fairly (if not strongly) racist.

Hundreds upon hundreds of users saw this as deplorable , and the author said that it was not his/her intention. He/She didn't mean it.

When the similarities struck, they didn't do so gently - they beat me up and left me for dead.

What makes me calling Luke Cage an ape any less racist from that fic? Not much. And thus, I came to a conclusion:

I acted in a manner that was racist and offensive, and good intentions do not make it any less racist.

I am ashamed in ways I can not even describe.

I removed the offending comment from that update, and I issue sincere apologies to anyone who has read and been offended by it. I will be paying close and careful attention to what I write in future.


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