Sep 21, 2008 20:33
I am wondering whether I should be writing this entry at this point, cause LJ for some strange reason has been something I turn to when I’m at the ebb of my emotions, more so a lull.
For long I’ve been wondering what my ultimate goal in life is and somehow very little insight into the subject has been achieved. The rich man, powerful man concept in life seems pointless.
I always wanted to be a sportsman and for some strange reason never really got into what I wanted for the pure joy of doing what I always desired.
What you do is not necessarily, what u think and certainly not what you would have done if you got better opportunities.
The above is inclusive of everything you have ever achieved or wanted to, irrespective.
The point I want to get to is that, in life I’ve made mistakes, mistakes that would seem immaterial if you look at the bigger picture but something I should have avoided getting into in the first place.
I am a very emotionally driven man and rationality doesn’t always figure in the choices I make. It’s like I convince myself in doing something I shouldn’t in the rationality of my thoughts.
And its not “me” alone doing it, I believe everyone has been on the crossroads at one point or the other, may or may not be voluntarily.
I’m beginning to enjoy my existence in strange ways, may be its too soon to take a call but I do seem a lighter man, an improved man.
I remember this entry by a friend where he described the stuff he did a pretence, a pretence to something that seemed so utterly natural to him. It wasn’t something he really thought about on the way back home but that’s how he defined his existence at that point in time in space; he now seems to be matured though!
The first thing that comes to mind is the character from English August, a story that really defines a lot of what I was going through.
And in ways I think she is beginning to understand me which contributes to a happier me.
I need to shop.
Death magnetic is not what I wanted it to be but none the less a better job done.
Have u tried blind running? ….Its fun!!