
Mar 24, 2011 18:12

Wow. I feel like I've tried so many times this year to come back to LJ, and it hasn't worked out. It's pretty distressing. I've been diagnosed with a chronic illness since I left, and I am always tired and nearly always in pain. I just don't have the energy for much anymore.

I'm still trying to return. I do miss it. In an effort to make things simpler, I have once again unfriended quite a few people and communities to see if that helps. Maybe if there isn't so much to read, it will be easier to keep up. I don't want to abandon this journal entirely but I can't read everything.

If I unfriended you, it's likely you were a silent lurker in my journal, or that we tended to seriously and frequently clash in our opinions on topics that are important to me. Rather than put energy I don't have into avoiding arguments stemming from very differing opinions about these things, I decided that walking away was the kinder choice for all concerned.

If having me on your friends list feels like a constant struggle or source of conflict because of my belief system or opinions, please just unfriend me. I'd rather we go our separate ways than cause anyone unnecessary distress or aggravation.

I wish you all a great day, a lovely Spring, and a belated happy birthday to those several people whose birthdays I've missed while gone. Blessed be.

livejournal, chronic illness, change, lj friends, life

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