Neck deep in fics

Apr 30, 2007 05:39

Currently reading these WIPs:

-- Profane Rhapsody by Ravenpen
-- Geek!Orlando by Stormatdusk
-- Sounds Like Safety by idrillia_fic
-- Knock Three Times by silvan_lady
-- At The End of Shore Road by giselleslash
-- Someday I'll Fly Away by astrojen
-- Subtext by Abandt
-- Seaside by sanzorama
-- Paladin by raise_the_knife/Koulagirl666
-- Beyond Design Limitations by pecos
-- Take Care of Me by Liriel1810
-- Troy Boy by lostiawen
-- Silent Partners by fictionbylouby
-- Facade by nurseowens
-- After Dark by Mesnica
-- Come Undone by Belle_Lestrange
-- Solitaire by sistersinslash
-- Love of My Life by Love_Angel7

And what ever happened to Ink by ...Owlgrey was it? And that haunted house fic I can never remember the name of, I miss those but they haven't updated in so long and they were so great. :(

Plus I'm re-reading Boundaries by lostiawen and have started her Smutty Ghostbusters. I'm certain I've left out several WIPs; I know I can't recall the names of a few I read. And I get sucked into one-shots all the time. And I read really slowly because I get distracted and have to re-read things. I'm also doing a serious amount of beta work for a couple of people.

Why is it so hard for me to resist new fics? I still have a rec list from angiepen and I'm adding to it all the time. I see so many new fics I want to read and I just can't get into them yet. I have too much on my plate. =/ On top of that, I've started writing a fic for Abandt's Paranormal photo challenge and it's morphed into something I didn't want it to be and I'm thinking of scrapping the whole damned thing (my OrliBean with minor Elijah appearance has somehow become an Orlijah with nary a Bean in view yet and I never even wanted to write Elijah -- grrr).

I'm overwhelmed. Slash has eaten my brain and my life. Argh. =/

(But to the authors of the above fics, thank you very much for giving me something else to throw my brain into when I need a distraction. I love you for it, even if my obsession with it is killing me.)

ack!, slash

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