
Sep 28, 2009 02:07

Tonight I got together with a friend, and we went to see the Time Traveler's Wife.

It was a deeply tragic love story, sad and gorgeous, beautifully filmed and well written. It made me cry -- which I hate to do -- so I found myself surprised that I liked it anyway. Generally I resent films that are so moving that they make me cry. I left the theater shocked at how sad it left me, but I was still impressed that a movie could make me so intensely emotional and still allow me to leave without feeling like shit. That's difficult. A lot of movies get it wrong and I wind up ABHORRING them (like Mystic River, where I wanted to beat the shit out of everyone and their cousin because at the end the bad guy got away and the good guy got fucked over). This movie went about it correctly, and while I was sniffly and thinky afterward, I still had a warm feeling to carry home with me from the joy and love so abundantly illustrated in the story.

Eric was gorgeous in it, really convincing and charming, and I loved him. People have made a lot over his naked butt, which was nice to see, don't get me wrong, but good gods, nobody prepared me for how fine that man's legs are. O_O

I must admit to an incredible glee at seeing Eric beating the shit out of a guy in an alley while wearing a pink ruffly girl's shirt and a pair of Daisy Dukes. I never imagined I'd see Eric wearing clothing like that. I loved that he yelled, "FUCKING HOMOPHOBE!" at him after kicking the guy's ass. I felt a tiny, triumphant squee inside when he said that. :)

If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it. Bring your hankie, though.

wow, movies, social, personal life

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