Walking to Rivendell

Apr 28, 2009 20:15

So lately I've been wanting to do the Eowyn Challenge (Walk to Rivendell) and I started it a little while back, but I haven't been keeping track because I've been too busy. Today I decided to pick it up again and start recording my activity.

I just went outside and clicker trained Sylvie for 15 minutes, which involved running back and forth with her on the leash, and teaching her "come" (walk toward me), "comecome" (run!), "hold" (stop), and "haw" (turn left). I didn't want to confuse her so I'll teach her "gee" (turn right) after she has a firm grasp of haw.

Anyway, I needed to use my asthma spray after a couple of minutes, so I wasn't exaggerating my estimated level of exertion. I was running her from the front of the house, around the side yard, and into the back yard, and back and forth, round and round in there, so that was a pretty active 15 minutes, and now we're both exhausted. I'm going to try to keep better track of my distance, but for today I'll consider this half a mile, and with the walking I've been doing lately, I think I'm farther than this but I'll start back on the map at about 5 miles.

This is what the website says for 5 miles: "Cross The Great Road from the Brandywine Bridge. Enter Tookland."

So how about that? I'm in Tookland. :) And Sylvie and I will walk all the way to Rivendell...eventually. :D

Should I be filtering this to my fitness filter because it involves walking? Or should I leave it in the open because it involves LOTR and my dog? Thoughts?

Distance log link: http://home.insightbb.com/~eowynchallenge/Tools/Bag_end/bag_end.html

walking, activity, sylvie

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