Meme to distract me

Nov 13, 2008 06:22

tagged by alilacia.

1. What was the last DVD you watched? Iron Man.
2. What are you wearing at the moment? White track pants, a blue short sleeved t-shirt, a purple striped long sleeved shirt, and socks with a hole in each heel, sadly. All my socks have disintegrated this week.
3. Who is/was your favorite cartoon character? I used to be in love with Speed Racer. I think Tinkerbell is cute. I dunno; I'm not much into cartoons.
4. What is your favorite scent? It used to be Joy de Jean Patou but now I'm not sure.
5. What video games are you playing at the moment? A zillion puzzle games at
6. What do you drink the most? In order of frequency and quantity: Water (the most), tea, and Coke.
7. Is there a useless thing that you cannot brace yourself to throw out? My belly fat? :P
8. Who was your first big crush? Batman.
9. What did you want to be when you grew up? It varied from year to year; doctor, teacher, nun, prostitute, writer, sculptor.
10. What is your favorite season? Autumn.
11. If you could make one rule that everyone in fandom had to obey, what would it be? More realism, please.
12. What three people would you invite to dinner? Orlando Bloom, Barack Obama, and Nathan Fillion, maybe. That'd be...memorable.
13. What is your current desktop? Slideshow of my Orlando photo collection.
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? Sweet, quiet, deserving of more than she gets.
15. What are you afraid of? Not being there, wherever it is that I'm needed.
16. What's your favorite colour? Forest green is nice. I'm also partial to garnet and purple.
17. What are you into right now? Going to school fulltime and being a mom, wishing I had time to read and write fics.
18. What did you do today? Went to therapy, played with Sylvie, played with my kids, worked on a research paper, read for school.
19. What do you want? Love, security, my degree already!, financial independence, health insurance, a house of my own, an SUV, a breast reduction, a tummy tuck, my 20-year-old body back, perfect teeth and skin, and more time. :P So, you know, not much. ;)
20. What should you be doing right now? Sleeping.
21. What's the meaning behind your LJ username? We've been through this before. :p


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