Pretend for a minute that the only contact you have ever had with me is through my fic. We've never exchanged LJ comments or emails, never hung out in chat, never talked on the phone or met each other in person, none of that stuff. The only thing you know about me is the kind of fic I write.
What kind of person would you think I am? How would you describe my attitudes and opinions about real-life issues? Or, to use the rephrased question: based on the way I write my characters, and the way they speak, think, and behave, what would that say to you about my attitudes and opinions about real-life issues?
Since I haven't posted fics in a long time, I thought I'd link them
here and
here (I've only got a couple of drabble-ish ones anyway) in case you haven't read them; that would make it rather hard to judge, eh? :P Sorry that's all I've posted so far; the others are long, multi-chapter things, and I won't post those til I'm finished so I don't leave a WIP hanging, because I don't trust myself to finish them yet and I'd hate that. :/
ETA: I've decided to screen the results. PLEASE feel free to really say what you mean, as it won't be visible to the public, and I don't get offended easily at all.