Oh. My. God.

Mar 05, 2008 00:58

I've been re-reading chapter six of Glitter, by Deleerium. Best damn up-against-the-wall sex EVER. Okay, it's nowhere near new, but it should be revisited if you've read it already, and if you missed it, GO READ IT. Yes, it's real person slash, and it's hooker!fic (MY FAVORITE! SQUEEEE!), though in this chapter that doesn't really come into play at all.

It's Orlijah, so if that's icky for you stay away, but Orli bottoms, AND HOW. ::dies::

It took some getting used to, this idea of an Elijah who worked out all the time and was muscular enough to lift Orlando up and hold him and fuck him against the wall, but let me tell you, my eyeballs nearly melted reading this chapter, so I don't give a damn what bit of reality I had to set aside to get through it. This was just damn hot, well-written smut. Whoo! Highly recommended when you need a bit of sizzle.

recs, fanfics, rps, fics

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