Jun 08, 2007 10:14
So whats new in your life Candy?
Im going to NZ in November around the same time Kel is adventuring in Japan.
I have finished classes for the semster. I do have an exam coming on Thursday night and I am currently undecided about how I feel about it. You see this subject [..let's call it Consumer Behaviour..] I had pretty much given up on ever since the last assignment. I had spent hours and hours just trying to understand what the friggin thing was about. Then I spent another couple hours trying to write the damn thing with a shakey [at best] understanding of what was required. {Did I mention I had NEVER written a report before? I do my best to avoid doing things like that..} I got so frustrated by it..there was so much reading, researching, crying, anger, apathy, writing, re-writing, word counting, kicking the walls, spellchecking, surveying,....SCREAMING! Ugh. So I eventually got something down [with a little encouraging nudge from Marc] and printed it out.
Oh yes, this is a load of crap and a guareenteed fail. I may aswell spread the pretty white paper in moneky turd and handed that in.
I totally missed the point, surely.
I convinced myself of a fail. You know where you get to that point when you would be overjoyed with a simple pass? Of course you start out the course with great intentions, the visions of HD's and D's. All that extra you work you are going to put into your study and assignments and climb your way to the top of the class. Instead you end up investing that extra time into vigilantly reading people's LJ and Myspace, webcomics and perusing eBay for anything with purple spots.
So I figured with a fail on the assignment, I didn't need to stress to much about the exam. I had already thrown away the subject and merely stayed enrolled for the delicious benefits of calling myself a "FULL-TIME STUDENT"...mmm youth allowance, free dental and eye testing. I stopped going to the lectures and tutorials, I stopped caring.
Meanwhile the assignment is collected and I get a 73/100. How the hell that even happened I have no idea. I am the definition of "just wing it!" and well, for once the practicality of the phrase actually recieved a positive outcome.
I am still pretty unmotivated with this subject and am putting half-arsed effort into study for the exam. An hour here, an hour there...just whenever I can tear myself away from my riviting, non-stop social life. I figured since I did pass the assignment I should probably do something to prepare for the exam and maybe a little less "just wing it!".
Now kids, hold your breath for Candy's shiny little pearl of iced tea - Dont underestimate yourself and hope like hell for the best, you just don't know til you know.
When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.