Its been awhile since my last post. Well, I moved to my dads two weeks ago and he doesn't have internet. So I've been rediscovering life outside of the world wide web...
I began taking the light rail to and from school. It's really cool that I can do that now. The station isn't that close to school but it makes for a good bike ride. I ride my bike about 6 miles a day now which is cool because I get some exercise as a part of my every day life.
Getting into the routine happened faster than I thought it would. It's kind of nice... no, it's really nice. I like not driving. I mean, I don't enjoy being trapped without a car, but I like not driving. I like being able to just hop on the rail and head to downtown or into tempe. However, with the weather warming up and such, I don't think I'll like this new arrangement for very long... haha.
I feel like these past two weeks have been the longest. It's weird. I mean, I've got a change of scenery and my routine is all different now, it's been kind of weird to just jump back into things. I feel a lot more independent.. I feel like an island. I guess it's a good thing because that should force me to get my act together and get my life back in shape... I'm really excited to take advantages of new opportunities where I am. It's just a matter of doing it...
I still need to get a car. The rail is good for now but its really hard to do anything in this state without a car. It sucks though because it's like every time I see an opportunity to get access to a car it gets crushed before it ever even becomes a reality. I've been very careful about not getting my hopes up lately. It seems like thats the only way to keep my head up right now, is to not get disappointed. I keep telling myself there's a way. I keep telling myself it's right around the corner...
Lately me and a group of friends have been getting together and just making music together. None of us are really awesome at what we do quite yet but its just totally awesome to sit down with a group of people and making music. It's probably one of my favorite things to do at this point in my life. I'm definitely improving at the guitar so thats exciting. I think I'm just afraid to get stuck. I'm afraid that I'll stop improving... I'm not going to let that happen though.
Me and my good friend Dylan sat down yesterday and just jammed and talked about music and ideas and it was really cool. Its cool to just be able to relate with someone through a medium of art. We're working on learning a song and we almost decided to go sit out on Mill Avenue and just play and sing. (just so you know, we're not ready for that. lol) I can't wait until we can just do that... Seems like a fun thing to do.
Dylan introduced me to a music blog called Obscure Sound and it's totally rad-tastic. It talks about all these indie artists and such and each blog features a number of the artists songs. Its so awesome for discovering and learning about new music. I've checked it out a little today and I found a couple new artists that I really like on there.
Life's got a way of working out even when the crappiest of situations occur. I'm looking up. I've rearranged my life and now it's time to start making sense again. I feel good about it. I'm going to make it work.
I hope to write more often. I'll figure out a way to steal internet or something. ha.
I'm simplifying life.
music from Ingrid Michaelson today:
Breakable - Ingrid Michaelson