I'm so sick of fuckin'people................

Jan 16, 2006 11:25

(Jumps on soapbox)


I am so sick of this species I am a part of.I just wish an asteriod would hurry up and smack into this planet.

But then,you'd have people racing around telling you it's a Republican plot to undermine our national security,or it's a Democratic ploy to show how the evil rich will benefit from the ensuing disaster.

I wouldn't be suprised to hear it turn into a racial issue,or even divine punishment because of those damn godless ,heathenistic,morally depraved homosexuals.I mean,even though we have kiddie-humping priests,that are supposed to be the "middleman"between us mere mortals,and the heavenly father,that's okay.They aren't hurting anyhting,are they?But those Damn homos.......Why should they be allowed to practice their devient ways,even if they are consenting adults,who keep it to themselves?

On the news last night,they reported a church near the West Virginia town where they were holding mass for the 12 miners who died,were protesting gays.PROTESTING GAYS AT A FUNERAL MASS!

I mean,you cannot expect much in a state who populace stands a good chance in rivaling Arkansas to appear in Jerry Springer's show showcasing "Incestous Cousins who love each others barnyard animal's anus",but give me a fucking break here,even to tune your banjo.(Insert "Deliverance" intro here.)

Yesterday,Misty and I went food shopping at the local Sav-a-lot.When we were leaving,this LARGE lady and her son were just coming out from the checkout.The cashier kindy advised them to move so there wasn't a jam there in the aisleway.THEY IN TURN GRABBED THEIR ITEMS FROM THE CART AND FUCKING LEFT IT THERE IN THE WAY,WITH MISTY STANDING THERE WAITING FOR THEM TO MOVE,AND THEN HAVING TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR CART FOR THEM.
I'm not going to mention race,as that is irrelevant,but the fact remains that people don't give a fuck about anything,unless it affects them.

The Anti-christ called last night,wanting to tell me she's feeling like a mommy,and she needs to fix it with a monthly visit to the daughter she has all but all out abandoned.Nothing but apologys for what a shitty excuse for a human she is........work does take up her time,y'know....work,work,work.When I was 22 I worked two jobs,plus went to school,and still found the time to visit my daughter EVERY DAY.Granted I lived 15 minutes away,and not up north,but you get the Idea.

Amber told Misty last night she is happy to have her as a stepmom.

DEvin got stepped on by the GLORIOUS BOY SCOUTS.He worked to garner over $700 in sales for their horrendous poopcorn sale.The prize he wanted was a telescope.Not those cheesy pirate types,but a Carl Sagan type.
He waited over two months for this thing,only to be told last week that the said telescope was discontinued,but here is an $22 gift card to Wal-Mart.GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

I got him the new Kingdom Hearts games for his Game-Boy with said card last night.He's been playing it non-stop since,so that worked out in his favor.

If we had any sense at all.....WE WOULD MAKE GENOCIDE LEGAL.
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