I think that's one of the things I miss most about college. Regular D&D sessions with people I enjoyed gaming with. I rarely get to play these days and it's usually one-shots. But I drew up Loc at level 29 and he is oh-so-shiny. Still absolutely useless though. Go go support characters.
Imagine a party made up entirely of Locs, plus one guy who doesn't get the whole "the purpose is in the journey, not the 'win'" and you have our group. We never get ANYwhere.
I really should get out of the habit of calling him useless. The flood of "bards suck" posts on the forums piss me off enough already. I guess it's just that compared to my wizard/rogue or some of clerics he seems kind of lackluster. He doesn't really kick ass and take names, but he does give some pretty sexy buffs. And can convince you to buy stock in underwater basketweaving, but that's another thing all together. Plus, he was usually delegated to junior cleric, but eh. Enough babbling
( ... )
And Papa John's pizza with peppers and garlic butter. :P Wow... now that you've mentioned it, a party of bards could be fun, though for diversity they'd have to all specialize in different bardy things. However, I wasn't referring to Loc as being useless, more... not plot-driving? Yeah. My group. Full of fighters and clerics and spell casters and *I* can't have any diversity in my character development because nobody else will lead or make a damned decision. So I have to be the flamboyant one. The one who says "Fuck it: FIREBALL!" after TWO HOURS of deliberating and rules-lawyering. Every time. No matter what class or race I play, no matter what background I give her, no matter how much I want to stretch. Ah, I miss Loc. And Ceila. And watching you try to figure out which one s/he was at any given time. That, along with Dex losing track of his hireling, was worth the price of admission. *grins*
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