YAY!!!!! Gay Marriage Approved By Swedish Church

Oct 22, 2009 17:59

Behold! Finally the UFO´s have connected to the mothership! Not even a day too early!! As voted legislation in May by the swedish gov. (to include same-sex couples in the right to legally marry); the church have now voted to fulfill their part of the process; making a historical moment when agreeing upon the change to conduct same-sex marriages from the 1st of November.

I´m really proud of them! Just took forever to arrive to that humanistic viewpoint =P

This day was long awaited for! I can´t even express how happy I am for the people that I know and those I don´t know, who finally would be able to CHOOOOOOSE getting married in the traditional way, in a church, with a priest or whatever. And not just be forced to have some half-way-thing with a blessing nontheless but not just the same rights anyway (and not to be able to join in the christian way of marriage should they want it.)

Uh.. Hallelluja or whatever I can say to that. I mean, it *is* after all 2009; one can only_hope that it is time for people to decide upon things themselves, as in: if, with who, where and how to marry or not marry - I mean: that´s the LEAST we can expect these days after some thousands of years of evolution (?) - A Free Will (and despite that - in the majority of the world it´s still illegal. Fancy that.)


*waves flag and throws confetti*

Oh and if you don´t mind "provocative art" on the topic of religion and LGBT-issues, I´d really recommend to go HERE and have a look at swedish artist Elisabeth Olsson Wallin´s controversial art, her exhibition Ecce Homo is renowned internationally and made the previous Pope quite upset in -98 and Sweden was a bit boiling all of a sudden; she and the exhibition itself was threatned and attacked numerous times. It was actually exhibited in the Parliament and in churches as well, (and occationally bomb-threatened..yeah you get the idea. Sweden is a big country with a small population but when the debate touches a hot topic, it´s flaming..)That was 10 years ago and is still very up-to-date.

Her work In Hate We Trust, also worth checking out. (She´s also exploring topics as Age, Gender, Women/Bodies etc. everything to be found at her site, check the short films too.)

The youtube-blessings from a gayer version of Jesus: www.youtube.com/watch

OH Yes. I´m feeling obnoxiously happy for all this new and granting Free Will that´s seeping out from dogmatic institutions all of a sudden, and I´m not even religious and also generally don´t believe much in marriages nowadays, - but I think I might have to burn my bra in celebration for this breakthrough and in remembrance of the sad news that Human Rights are still not completely alive and kicking. (But I like my bra´s. Hmm.) Anyway.

Happy Celebration!!!

gay rights, prompt, art

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