Here are most of them. There's still some good ones on the camera, but i can't find the wire to upload them so you'll have to wait on those ;D
OK! These are all from the Safari we went on! I'm warning you, there are a lot of pictures!!
ZEBRA!! I took like 10 pictures of the zebras, because they're so cool.
A cool bird. Right?
Another cool bird, but this one looks fake.
Cool bird #2 with a cute little deer thing. Isn't it ADORABLE?!
Me! But I don't really like this picture.
Parrot!! But it didn't talk.
These things are sooooo big!! I have a clip of one of them doing a mating dance from our jeep XD;; It was so cool!
An artsy shot i took
Another artsy one
A giraffe! The guy said to not stand under him because he drools... but I did anyway. Luckily I didn't get slobbered on.
Cute little duckies!
Artsy shot #3!!
Deer thing!! I took a bunch of these, and lots of his reletives!
Today I went shopping and bought jeans and a sweatshirt. That's right. A sweatshirt. But it's this gorgeous deep teal. I'll wear it in October ;D I didn't want to wait in the dressing rooms to try it on so i just pulled it on over infront of a mirror, and 2 girls came up to me asking where I got it. That's right, i'm a trendsetter ;D
Tomorrow my brother comes back from camp ;_; Why can't he be gone another week? WHHHHYYYYY?!
My dad found a camera on the metro today
EDIT// ok, so livejournal is really pissing me off because i can only post up like, a quarter of these pictures and then it says my html is wrong, but it's most definetly not. GRRRR.... I'll get the other ones up later... these are the boring ones too!!