Nov 18, 2003 15:09
The mountains! Mountains! Not like the hazy shadowed bumps I've seen across the horizon when driving through the Northeast, but brilliantly contorted masses of earth, apparatitions like sand dunes topped with glossy white. They're almost silken, they hover, they tower, and I was glued to my little airplane window at the sight of them.
Mountains. Utah.
It's gorgeous. I somehow, to this point, erroneously believed that every part of the United States looked like the Northeast: trees, highways, the occasional mountain flanked with evergreens, like a heightened woods too far to reach.
These are bare, silken in form, amazing.
I'd seen photographs, but never felt this to be any sort of reality. My mind's eye was conjuring something expected, something usual. The ugly airport and parkway obscuring everything, with perhaps an occasional vision of natural beauty beyond the asphalt and steel.
But nestled in these gargantuan hills, the city looks like a toy, a protected fish-egg in the mouth of its mother. It isn't hard to envision nature taking back over...
I really love the look of this place and the taste of the air. Even at the airport, it was like breathing pure spring water right from the source. I noticed it immediately.
I'd love to explore, but there are some informational sessions today about e-learning and such I'd like to attend. So off to it! More later...