I'm literally posting from my phone right now.
I'm retiring from LJ now. I haven't written shit in the past..what..MONTHS?! And plus. My writing SUCKS.
People who should step up on their writing and are wonderful at it are:
pandragonriyong. <3
Ever since school started, I have been worrying about my grades from the very start. I've been trying to make my Dad proud so he can see I can be responsible about having a phone and handling my grades. Yeah..it's not working out. Ever since Thanksgiving break, nothing has been going the way I wanted to. Let it be school or life at home.
So I'm literally stressed out. Thank the Lord my face doesn't break out at all. I'd be dead by now. Lol I'm makeup free and it's feels good. I promised my Dad no more makeup for me and a lot of people said I look pretty without makeup so that makes me happy. And one more less thing I have to worry about putting it on every morning for school lol.
Ugh. I have three C's and I have no idea what to do. Winter break starts the week after next week and then three weeks after break ends, BOOM! Report cards come out and the new classes. Which means new teachers, new faces and new frustrations.
I've noticed this year, I've befriended a lot of guys and..well. I have guys who like me. *shrugs* Boys aren't really on my mind lately. Except for one..*sighs* crap. I've fallen..*dies*
I hate school. Let's just get this shit over with, yes?
So yes. This is sort of like a life update/ rant. Lol I really needed it.
And Alyssa, remember I love you, yeobo.
I might even get away from you just to get even with you for leaving me. *smirks*
I haven't even been keeping up with my kpop lately. I know SHINee has released their new album, "The First," because of Miss. New-username Ashley. ;)
This is longer than I expected it to be...well. Toodles for now, everyone. And oh!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE #1 MEN IN MY LIFE. MAH DADDY AND CHOI FUCKING MINHO. :3 [Choi Minho will always be the first one with my Dad a close second..haha. Joking. It's the other way around. :-) ]
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