There's something I've come to love about clubs. It's not the dressing up. It's not the booze. It's not the girls. It's not the music, or the atmosphere or the dancing. It's when all those things come together as one. It's that moment when you're on the dance floor swaying to the music, with your head swirling with booze, thinking about the girl that smiled and made eye-contact with you. And at that moment a song starts playing, one that you've heard 1000 times yet never seem to get sick of. It's at that moment when everything melts away, nothing matters but the here and now. You don't care about work, or money, or if you ever talk with that girl. You're living life to its fullest, in the place where you want to be, leading the life that you want to lead, nothing else matters except the elation of now and the freedom to be yourself.
Now, if I could only get rid of those headaches the next morning, I'd be set.