I can make drama out of ANYTHING!

Jan 22, 2009 18:50

I remembered my third point from the other day! It was a long convoluted run about how my new hard drive was trying to drive me mad, ala Gaslight. No, really, stuff that I positively remember moving onto the drive is gone now. I have episodes 1, 3 and 4 of Mad Men, but not episode 2. WTF? I'm already questioning my grip on reality here. I don't need help.

On a fourth note, I had a paint saga. Yesterday, on my way in to work, I leaned up against a still-wet subway post. (In my defense, the sign was on the other side. (In the MTA's defense, there's no guarantee I would have ever noticed a sign anyway.)) Paint was down the left side of my jacket, and the left side of my hair. Oddly, the hair bothered me more than the jacket. Since I was on the way to work, that paint sat in my hair all day. Paint I know from experience is corrosive. (As in, last time it ate holes in my coat.)

After I got home, I attacked my hair and coat with olive oil and baby oil, and a little bit of turpentine on the coat. Mind you, the paint had already leeched some color out of my coat, so I had little to lose. The paint finally came out of my hair after half a hour, though a chunk of my hair broke off about four inches from the bottom. Oh, yes, and it stripped the color out of my hair up to my shoulders, though that isn't noticeable to anyone but me. I rubbed the paint out of my coat, washed it and hung it up to dry. I when I got up this morning, there was a white streak down the shoulder. So we'll see.

Now the question is what to do about my hair. It's not an OMG emergency like I was afraid, but I do now need to cut my hair. (Had the paint not washed out, I would have taken scissors to it last night.) I figure my options are as follows:
1) Trim it to just about the level of the chunk that broke off, say six inches. This would leave it just short of me being able to be topless on TV.
2) Cut it to my shoulders so I get rid of all the color-stripped-bits. Since I'm the only one who can really see those, this is an exercise in crazy vanity. (Though, as decibel60 pointed out, I swim and dye my hair, so it's possible the damaged hair may wig the fuck out the next time I swim or dye my hair.)
3) Use this opportunity to give myself a short spiky haircut for once in my life.

Knowing me, I shall ponder this for far too long and then just do 1) out of laziness.

And on a random note, today, I avoided writing a spec by taking the new Nerd Test:

I'm a touch worried that my low score was on the Technology/Computer side. Probably because I was avoiding work.
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