Update from Kat

Jul 14, 2007 22:09

PT this morning was awesome. I generally suck at running, I'm just not built for it. But for some reason, being in combat boots & camo, & carrying 70 lbs on my back, I can move. We ran two miles with all our gear. I felt really good about it.
The C.O. saw us running, and I guess he felt really good about it, too. He called our company to the front of the battalion, and gave each of us a gold command coin. Command coins are little tokens of a job well done, like a permanent pat on the back. I felt really good about that.
We went to a couple's Passion Party, we won a purple Octopus Massager for crafting the best phallus out of play dough.
I had watch today...it went pretty well, for it being my first time as Petty Officer of the Watch. There were a LOT of phone calls, which doesn't usually happen, but I felt pretty good about the way I handled things...which means that on Monday I'll probably get an earful about what I did wrong. But it's ok.
Went to Baker's Square for dinner, it was ok. Got a slice of strawberry-rhubarb pie, which I have yet to eat...gonna go do that now.
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