Mar 15, 2006 01:39
Haha I have not updated since October. I guess I've just been too busy to even think of the ol LJ. But I think it's time I let the world know what I've been up to lately.
I have a girlfriend. Her name is Kate and she's everything I could have ever wanted in a girl. It's like we're a perfect match for each other, and all I have to say is it's about goddamned time I'm allowed to be happy.
I have a job working at Uno's in Tilton. Whether or not I'm happy working there depends on the day you talk to me, but I've been getting a ridiculous amount of promotions lately. Now not only do I wait tables, but I'm also their marketing director and soon to be shift supervisor. Now onto other things.
I've been running the AMA to moderate success this year. Not a whole lot of fundraisers have happened because let's face it, college students are fucking ridiculously cheap and won't help anyone out. Membership is down too because people don't think they need extracurriculars when they get out of school. Think again. It's things like this that get you the job, not only help you out with the job you get. Again, students at this college only want to drink and have a good time, not paying attention to the long term ramifications of their actions. Well when I'm making 100,000+ every year after 5 years and they're flipping burgers I guess I'll get to have the last laugh, which is always fun.
Tomorrow night I'm leaving and flying to Georgia for the National Collegiate Sales Competition. This is something we've been planning on doing for 2 years but no one would actually follow through with the plans, so I took it upon myself to get the ball rolling. I'm going down with my friend Dom and we've been preparing very diligently. We intend to win, and for a few reasons. The first being that we'll get a lot of job offers from the 35 corporate sponsors that they have. The second being that we are the first members from our school to go, and if we go down there and win do you have any idea how good that makes us and our school look? Some school in northern New Hampshire that no one has really heard about goes down to the competition and cleans house, no one would see it coming. It's also just a great opportunity to network with other business professionals and other college students, which is always a good thing to do especially being this close to getting out into the real world (which I am looking forward to very much). \
As far as school goes, I'm taking some of the most difficult classes that I have ever taken, but I am doing surprisingly well. Every homework assignment I have passed in I have gotten 100 on, and every test I've gotten a 90 or better. In other words, I feel like a smarty right now (or dork). This doesn't mean I'm not working hard: quite the opposite actually. I usually am up doing homework until about 2 AM, and then I'm up at 5 to do more work and things. It's really taking its toll on me, but I know that it'll be worth it in the end. I know that I will personally grow as a result of the experience and that's why I do it.
It's funny, when people ask me why I look forward to getting out of school so much I say "it'll be a vacation". They all try to tell me that it won't be like that, that I'll be working even harder out there than I am now. Well I'm looking at it as a vacation because I'll get to work at like 8 AM, get done around 5 or 6PM (maybe 7 or 8), and then get to go home and eat dinner and go to sleep, and wake up the next morning and do it all over again. I won't have to only sleep for 3 hours a night anymore, hell I might even be healthy for once. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to that.
Oh, and I bet by now you're wondering if I know what an LJ cut is.
I do, and I'm just choosing not to use it.
Well it's almost 2 AM now which means I should be going to bed soon. I hope this update is nice for those of you that have thought I dropped off the face of the earth or something.