Timing is something I try to pride myself on. Calculating to the exact second when some things should occur and when things shouldn't. While I do a lot, there is only so much one can do before the universe throws you an unpredictable or in this case, entirely predictable and yet unwanted curveball. I have injured my right hand, but it's nothing too serious. The doctor said it should be healed within a week or two.
Despite not liking the fact I have an injury, this gives me a justifiable reason to buy an Eee PC. I've been contemplating it for a while and I find that it would be far more useful to upgrade to something such as this over continually carrying around notebooks. It makes for less fuss with paper, though there is something about drawing graphs by hand that I believe I will miss. That and the fact that no one can decipher my handwriting or shorthand in my notes, which is almost as good as an encryption algorithm. However, I digress. I think this will be a good investment. I'll have to see if I can get a staff discount from work on it.
I also met Yukimura-kun the other day. I was rather surprised to say the least. Our brief meeting was rather insightful if anything else. Do message me about your artwork, Yukimura-kun, I am still more than willing to flip through your sketchbook and discuss particulars with you. Hopefully you will have time sometime before classes get too hectic. Also, I was wondering if you had ever thought about looking into digital mediums? It might be a new kind of challenge for you.
On a completely different note: I was also thinking about running for secretary of the student council. After all, I am good at taking notes and organising things and more than capable of the workload. What do people think? I'd like to hear opinions if anyone has them.
And finally - who is Echizen and why did I find their perfectly good left shoe? Leave me a comment if you want it back.
I hope my computer is all right after last night's incident. Pulling the plug on it like that while everything was on most definitely wasn't good. For note purposes here is a check list now that I have calmed down somewhat/
- Check for physical damage (PSU and CPU especially)
- Check for data loss / RAID degradation
- See if I can salvage the webcam the chair fell on
I am not quite sure I want to salvage the webcam, either. That was... quite a shock to be honest. I should think of what I'm going to say and do now. Formulating a plan would be a good idea. I must say that was probably the most horrifying experience of my young life and no amount of trying to unsee it will actually make it happen. At least not logically, although I really may wish for it. Somehow I think my outlook is going to be a little different from now on. I don't know if that is a good thing or not, however my early estimates peg it with at least a 98% chance of being most definitely bad.
// 治
[ooc: strikes deleted]