Apr 06, 2005 14:36
Hello all! I know you all have probably heard different things from different people about my time here. . .the truth is, is that I tell everyone something different. I wonder if anyone ever even really cares what goes on with me anymore. I'm sure some do. I know there's atleast one person that's made it their mission in life to try to hate me no matter what I do with my life. I'm not asking for a pat on the back or praise from anyone really, but for once I'd like to know who is proud of me for doing what I am doing. I think about this all the time. I think about each and every person that I've ever known and I ask myself if they would be proud of me. I honestly can't answer the question because I don't know. As much of a mind reader I am, there are plenty of people who put on the facade that they appreciate my being when all they mean to do is demean it.
As the story would go. . .I was having a good time a Petaluma. A series of events have both made me feel full in life again and at the same time have depressed me beyond all means of immediate recovery. How honest should I be about what's made me so happy? Well, I don't feel like being so right now, since known of you know who I am anymore. I've found myself to be the person I'm going to be for the rest of my life. Do I like me? Sometimes I do. I will say that unless my luck continues this next year, I will be a hermitt. I know I've joked about it for a long time, but I'm starting to feel that if I cannot have one more fulfuilling relationship that will last, then another one would not be worth having at all. I would not at all mine keeping myself isolated from the masses just to be protected from heartbreak. Although in reality, it would not be protection, but insurance of assurance rather. I much rather break my own heart a million times for other people than have it broken once by somebody else in both selish and hasty fashion.
Petaluma. . .well it's beautiful here. FS "A" School is a lot of fun. It is also a lot of work though too. Three weeks in and I feel that I know enough about cooking to rival the iron chefs. Every morning though, I stand outside at colors and salute the flag in a military manor, and each time I do it, my mind wanders and each time it wanders I think at the same time that it is difficult to believe that I am in the military. Who would be proud of me for serving my country? Nobody's ever seen me so patriotic before and the crowd I always hung around with was practically pro-anarchy or pro-communism, both opposite sides of the coin yet, both opposed to what I would be doing now. Sometimes I think I'm all alone. But I'm not, atleast not anymore. There's one person yet that makes me feel like I belong where I am. Perhaps I'll go into details later. But for right now I'm tired and I've got homework to do.
A few other interesting things that have happened to me since I've been out here.
1.I've broken every inappropriate relationship regulation of the USCG
2. My car was vandalized
3.I fell off of a cliff and busted up my legs
4. I lost my car keys
5.I've become famous on campus for my culinary skills.
That's about it really, perhaps later I shall go more into details of all the things that have happened that has adversley affected my life that I chose to keep a secret right now. Atleast, it is a secret if the few who I've told haven't blabbed about it. Damn Blabber mouths!Well that is all for me, from the person whom you all will most likely never see again but shall haunt your memories of your young lives
~Le Phantom du Chat Noir