Feb 08, 2011 17:58
Coffee, sunny side up eggs, and toast for him.
Granola with yogurt, spinach quiche, and orange juice for the other him.
They’re sitting uncomfortably close to each other, in their tiny kitchen in their tiny apartment above a bakery and below a couple that enjoyed karaoke first thing in the morning. They quietly listen to Celine Dion as they scrape their plates and elbow each other accidentally, both to tired to say anything about it. The bigger him rubs his temples and mutters about needing to clean the local Walgreens of all its extra strength Tylenol, and the other him laughs and tells him that it’ll be faster to just buy Walgreens itself.
He shrugs, and his counterpart cocks his head and looks at his watch, standing up to clear the formica table and transfer them to the sink and turning on the faucet (thank god there’s water today) to soak them.
The noise from above just keeps getting louder, there’s dust everywhere, the cat swallowed something nonedible and had been making choking noises all night until they were able to make her cough it up, but he looks back at his boyfriend who’s doing a silly dance as he pulls on his coat and slips into his shoes. He looks up from the dance routine and winks. “See you later, handsome.”
Dave smiles.
And Blaine smiles back.