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May 02, 2005 10:24

crazy weekend...

friday was prom! what a amazingly fun night!
10:45 am massage ... my mom said it was to keep me calm and happy but it was her trying to make up for our lack of closeness
12:30ish- lunch with the stacy... hadnt seen her in weeks n i missed her like ceeerazay! saw keels and her boyfriend zach headin into blockbuster
2- hair! which i fell in love with! nellie u r a hair goddess! you can take my icky hair and turn into gorgeousness! hott!
3:30- make up at bobby brown... made the poor girl redo it... but i loved the way she did it the 2nd time! with a few minor adjustments! i just am not a red lip kinda girl... say keels AGAIN lol she looked gorgeous! which i must say she always does! =D
5- head over to kelly's and met the insanely fun christine! we clicked lol tried to do kelly's hair but it took too long for this ADHD girl to focus on! so she straigtened it lol
7ish- head over to cripser's to take pictures? weird i know but utterly satisfying!
7:30ish (a lot of kinda known but not times)- show up at laurens for pictures! modeled around the corvette! lauren looked insanely hott! lol she reminded me of like an oscars trophy or w/e
8- mcdonalds for soda to mix with the rum!
840-1130ish- showed up at prom which was so fun! a whole buncha pictures taken there! danced like crazy! saw my amazingly beautiful friends! made friends lol jonathon was my dancing partner... we def dropped it like its hott at least 20 times... pissed jesse off because i didnt dance with him... danced with a couple random guys who i DID NOT know but they were sexy wat can i say
12- kelly turned 17! i am uber hyper and break out into song the moment my cell showed that it was 12! kel got some! ;]
1230- head over to sonic to meet up with MA, steve and tiff... jonathon stopped by for a couple of minutes.. then went to daves which was hella fun! there was a lot of nakedness! and locked bedrooms... i think some would say that prom was a success! i was pretty kosher! just a lotta friendly kisses! had my bed stolen by MA and lauren which i am eternally grateful for by the way lol!
6- finally fell asleep
7- woken up by kelly and mike! got dressed and headed out to pick up MA's car! tiff and MA then left and ben shows up saying lauren isnt coming to IHOP with all of us... we changed that by not letting ben come...
830ish- head over to andrea's to console lauren and make her stop crying! BOYS SUCK! and head out to IHOP and had breakfast and played with our waitress who made fun of us a bunch! we left her a nice tip and a note to say thanks! she had a cool name tho i cant remember it anymore
11/12ish- back to my house with christine to sleep! prom was officially over!

saturday night is a totally different story! lets just say about 20 shots and the porcelin god played a big role in it... to be updated later when my memory of the night slowly comes back to me!

another crazy weekend coming up! friday is the kenny concert! helllls yah! saturday orlando supposedly! we'll see!
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