Jan 01, 2010 00:58

Friends Only, bitches!
This is my shit, meaning the things I write about are about me, for me, and not intended to please you. I have the right to say what I want, do what I feel, and remove anybody I fucking want too. If you dont like it, keep moving; roll yo' ass to another journal. The contents of this lj may include violence, nudity, excessive profanity, betrayal, sex, pussy power, lies and whatever else I feel the need to comply. I talk about my relationship, yes my relationship not yours so your opinions are just that, so spare me the life lessons, I'll learn on my damn own. I may use racial slurs, to be honest with you, I dont think before I write, because I dont have too- remember, this is my shit. Please be of age if you intend to add me, I refuse to censor myself for any lil snot nose preschoolers.
I have feelings and a life outside of this journal, I dont treat this site like homework, dont expect me to make it a huge deal to sign on, read your entries and comment to make you feel special. I have a full time job and Im a part time lover, so my man needs me. If youre one of those people that do random cuts for lack of comments, dont bother adding me. I comment when I have something to say- more than likely I'll share my opinion. I update almost daily- I try to and I post pictures because I tell a story. I change the face of my journal, almost weekly. I maintain my shit well, Im not messy and I write in detail. Add me first and if I dont respond within a day or two, chances are, you didnt make the cut. Life goes on, make moves. Be out !!

Not intended to sound bitchy, but it is what it is. Im somewhat nice I promise! =o)

Just so I can get an understanding of who you are, please fill out this short form prior to adding me, Id appreciate it alot.

Sexual Preference: ANSWER HERE
How did you find me: ANSWER HERE
Recommend a friend: ANSWER HERE
2 facts about you: ANSWER HERE
